Chapter Five

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"He is camera shy."

Maylin paused for a moment to look at her, then laughed.

"I can say the same to his son, Luke. Both of them are really not a fan of media and publicity."

Despite her transfer to the corporate's foundation, Maylin was able to meet with Thea and spend time together. She was the one answering Thea's curious questions.

"But...why?" asked the other. "Mr. Forrester owns this corporation. Not to mention, the subsidiaries are winning various achievement awards."

"Mrs. Forrester are accepting the awards. Nyssa is the one meeting the press and attending interviews. There were times I answered some interviews, but it is really not my job." Maylin said.

Both of them decided to take a break from work and went to the small garden on top of the building. Thea could see a three hundred and sixty degree view of Aldburg. Far in the north, she saw the wide greenlands and mountain ranges. She exhaled to the amazing view before her.

"It's so beautiful here. You can see everything." she said.

"Yes. I always go here during breaks." Maylin replied.

"May, there's another thing I want to ask. I found out on Google that the Northern Woodlands is owned by Forrester Group as well. Does it mean they own the entire forest, including the mountains?"

"Well, the forest was owned by the Forrester family long before the corporation was created. But majority of the mountains are owned by Erebor Mining. Home of the finest jewels in the world. Have you seen the crystals and diamonds on the gowns of Dale Fashion? They are all sponsored by Arkenstone, Erebor Mining's jewelry shop."

"I see. How did you end up here?" Thea asked her mentor. "If I may ask."

"I actually wanted to become a pre-school teacher, but my love for nature brought me here." Maylin started. "I saw these great works of Greenwood Foundation. Their dedication in preserving nature and taking good care of our lands inspired me to join them. I met Luke Forrester, who is also the COO of Greenleaf School of Archery. I learned so much from him. His great leadership has motivated these people to give their best and work hard."

Thea nodded in agreement. Her curiosity now shifted to the CEO's son. She googled Greenleaf School of Archery before, and she found out that it was the best archery school in the world. Most of their students have won gold medals in the Olympics.

"Come on, let's get back to work." Maylin said.


Thea, together with Meryll, attended a conference meeting with the staff of Dale Fashion. The management wanted a summer theme event. Meryll was delighted and gave all her suggestions that would fit for the show. When everything was settled, she told Thea to contact the available florists and scheduled them for a dinner meeting next week. Checking all the papers on her desk, Meryll gasped when she found out that there was a task she almost forgot to do.

"Thea," Meryll worriedly called out to her. "I need your help, please take this folders to the archery school. These are the lists of flowers which will be delivered on the school's anniversary celebration."

"No problem." She took the folders but before heading out, she asked Meryll.

"Should I ask for Mr. Luke Forrester?"

"No, ask for Len. But if Len is not there, go to Luke's office."


Thea was nervous and excited at the same time. She will finally see the world-renowned school.


When she arrived at the gates of the school, Thea cannot help but admire the entire place.

It was huge.

No one would think that this is a school!

There was a large fountain on her left and a big garden maze on her right. Thea felt like she was transported to another world. The school building looked more like a castle. As soon as she entered, Thea immediately went to the front desk. A man with long black hair greeted her.

"Aldol! Pedig edhellen?" he said.

"What?" Thea asked confusingly.

"Oh, never mind. Welcome! How may I help you?" the man said with a grin.

"Mrs. Forrester asked me to give these folders to Len. Is she here?"

"She already went home, but her husband is still here."


"Luke Forrester. Wait here."

The man dialed the phone and talked to someone. When he put the phone down, he stood up and gestured to Thea to follow him. The man walked her to the elevator and instructed her to stop at third floor.

"Luke is in his office."

"Thank you."


She already recognized the name at the door.

Luke Forrester, Chief Operating Officer.

Thea was about to knock when the door opened. She saw a man with long blond hair tied in a low ponytail. He greeted her with a cheerful smile.

"Aldol! Ms. Wynters."

What did he say? Thea's brow creased.

"Come in."


Luke rubbed his chin while looking at the lists Meryll prepared for him. Thea, on the other hand, roamed her eyes around the room. It was not as big as she expected. There were two bookshelves in one corner, a coffee table on the other beside the window. Her gaze finally landed at the man sitting across from her.

He's so handsome...but the long hair.

"It's part of our tradition." His words took her by surprise. "We just don't want to cut it."

"Huh." was all Thea could manage to say.

Luke tilted his head slightly, and mischievously smiled at her.

"I know you've been wondering about our hair."

"I did not mean to offend, I was just curious."

"Worry not. Please tell Meryll that these flowers are perfect. I will be waiting for them. I'm sure Len will love it too."

"I will tell her."

Thea informed Luke that she must return to the office, so he walked her out of the building and bade farewell. Before she got into her car, Thea asked him about the language the receptionist used.

"I can't understand it." she said.

"It's...German." Luke replied.

As the car drove away, Thea was still thinking about his answer.

I'm sure it's not German.

Luke went back to his office and picked up the phone. A few rings and a female voice answered.

"She was here earlier and gave the flower lists." he informed her.

"So, you already met her." Nyssa said.

"Her curiosity is growing."

Nyssa gave him a slight laugh. "The daughters of Men are always the curious ones. Aren't they?"

Luke smiled at her answer.

"She holds the curiosity and bravery of a Shieldmaiden. What do you expect?"


Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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