Chapter Two

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Breathe in, breathe out.

Thea felt pretty nervous as she glanced at her watch. She prepared for this interview. Even if she only had a few hours of sleep, she wouldn't mind. As long as she gets the job, everything will be all right. At that moment, Thea still could not believe that she received a call from Nyssa and scheduled her for a job interview. Looming overhead was the tall building of Forrester Group of Companies. In fact, it was the tallest in the city. Not wasting any more time, she headed to the main door and entered the lobby.

The feeling was different when she looked at the surroundings. When she was outside, the elegant structure of the building intimidated her to the fullest. But as soon as she stepped in, Thea felt otherwise. It was serene. Calmness took her completely. As she stared at the chandeliers above, a man approached her.

“Good morning. Are you Ms. Wynters?” He asked.

She couldn't help but admire the figure standing before her. He was tall, with dark brown hair going past his shoulders. Wearing a black suit and an amiable smile, he looked like a young CIA agent. Well, that was what she thought.

“Yes, sir. I’m here for the interview.” Thea answered.

“Follow me. This way, please.” He gestured her to the elevator.

The man pushed the sixteenth button, and while waiting for their floor destination, he decided to ask a few questions.

“What position are you applying for?” He inquired.

“For a secretary post. I received a call from Ms. Nyssa Forrester." Thea replied.

“Oh, have you met her?”

“Yes, sir. I met her the other day at The Grand Archives.”

“Forgive me young one, I haven’t properly introduced myself. My name is Caleb Greene, I’m the Head of Security.” He reached out his hand with a smile.

“I’m Thea Wynters. Pleased to meet you.”

He sounds so formal and...old? She thought.


The elevator door opened and both of them proceeded to a room at the end of the hall. They stopped at the door, seeing the blond woman talking to two other people inside. But something caught her attention. The two men inside the room were almost looked like Caleb. Tall, well-built, long brown hair going down to their shoulders as well. Caleb’s hair was just a bit darker, that’s the only difference. Thea glanced at the man beside her, and he winked at her.

“They are the new guards.” He whispered. “Nyssa is the Human Resources Manager. She does the screening a lot.”

Thea only nodded.

When the new guards exited the room, they gave their slightest bow to Caleb.

Alright. Why am I being surrounded with gorgeous, medieval-looking men? She felt her cheeks getting hot.

“Your duties start tonight, gentlemen. Meet me at the lobby.” Caleb reminded them.

Gracefully, they walked away like Thea never existed at all. “Come in.” A sweet voice came behind the closed door.

Nyssa smiled at the two and motioned for Thea to sit down. She then looked at Caleb, her smile now replaced with a serious face.

“My dad wants to talk to you. There are certain matters that need to be discussed with your presence.” She explained.

“Okay,” Caleb turned to Thea. “I’m afraid I must leave, Ms. Wynters. Nyssa will take it from here.”

“Thank you, Mr. Greene.” The young applicant said.

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