Chapter 1

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After a gruesome lecture by Prof Bang, I slowly walked over to my work station in one of the art classrooms with heavy steps.

"Dang, that was harsh, he didn't have to add my lousy art skills into the picture while scolding me, damn that guy." I muttered under my breath.

Suddenly, I felt a light touch on my shoulder and immediately spun around thinking it was him. But obviously, that can never be true. Turns out, it was my best friend, Hwasa.

"Yo whee in, why you got that look of disappointment on your face?" Hwasa asked with curiosity.

With a flat tone, I answered: "Nah, its nothing much, just got lectured for being late to class, bleh."

"My gut feeling tells me it's something else... You sure you ain't hiding anything?"

"Nope, 100% honest," I said, lying through my teeth.

After all, I didn't want to tell her about what happened this morning only to find out it was just a stupid prank, right? At least I can tell it as a joke instead of some sad, no life narration.

"Come on, let's go grab a biteee." I lamented, diverting Hwasa's attention away from my current mood.

After another six painful hours in uni, it was already close to 7 pm and nightfall was approaching. Dragging my exhausted soul up the steep steps leading to my apartment, I swung open my apartment door and threw my bag on the couch. Totally forgetting the string of incidents that happened this morning, I ignored my phone and went to shower.

"That was refreshing," I said while flopping down on my bed, phone in my hands.

While thinking of that guy, I subconsciously scrolled through my contacts to find a number with the name "Kim Tae Hyung".

"So his name's taehyung huh..." Without much thought, I sent a random message.

-New message-

Whee in:" Hi there! This is Jung Whee In from earlier. Thank you for agreeing to my craziness from this morning, but I was being absurdly rude for asking you for such a ridiculous favour. Sorry for earlier and have a good night."

I pressed send and went on to Instagram to scroll through my daily feed.

Just then, I had a ridiculous thought. What if I could find his insta account?

I was about to type in "Kim Tae Hyung" when I received a message from him.

"Wow, that was fast," I thought aloud.

Before I could open the message, another one came in.

Kim TaeHyung: "Hi hi whee in! "

Kim TaeHyung: "It's no trouble at all! Actually, I think it's pretty interesting to be a model and get drawn, hehe."

Kim TaeHyung: "So, when and where do you want to meet? "

Jung WheeIn: "Errrr, are you legit rn? You are not pranking me right?"

I answered doubtfully.

Kim TaeHyung: "Of course I'm legit!! I swear on my name okay."

Kim TaeHyung: "How could you question me like that... ㅠㅠ"

Jung WheeIn: "I'm sorry but how can you just believe any stranger on the street???"

Kim TaeHyung: "Of course I don't believe just any strangers. But you looked so naive and awed that you can't possibly be a scammer hahahaha"

After reading that, my face flushed to beet red. OH MY GODDDDDDDDD!!! HE KNOWS I WAS CHECKING HIM OUT!!!!!!!!! IM SO DEADDD!!!!

Barely able to type a message after my internal struggles, I replied:

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