Being A Girl Sucks

Start from the beginning

Jack, most certainly wasn't the reason we started fighting.

And he definitely wasn't at fault.

"Jack didn't do anything wrong."

"I didn't say he did sweetie." She cooed innocently as I replied, "So how is it his fault that we started fighting?"

"Oh you know..." She waved me off and suddenly I felt annoyed, like her behaviour was just getting on my nerves.

"I really don't, care to explain?"

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, Jack's a good guy."

"I know. That's why he's my boyfriend." I crossed my arms defensively and my gorgeous best friend scoffed, she SCOFFED, "Oh come on Juliet, it's not really serious. It was just a Winter fling. He's going home and you are both going to break it off due to long distance."

"It is really serious, I met his grandmother. You were there." I pointed out and she rolled her eyes with a grin, "Yeah meeting that old one was such a big step."

My jaw opened in shock at her attitude and I doubt she even noticed, considering Sam never noticed when she heart my feelings.

She had hurt my feelings, and my pride.

"Candice was an awesome Grandmother." I said protectively and she nodded with a harmonically cruel laugh, "Yeah and you charmed the Chanel No.5 right out of her."

"Sam. Jack and I are very serious." I feel the anger exploding in my chest as she sighed, "Let's be serious Juliet. He's going home. Who knows when he is coming back? I mean hell, you guys haven't even done it yet!"

"You don't have to do 'it to be serious Sam! Not everything has to be about carnal attraction and just I let you know, Jack and I have no problems in the section either." I snapped, holding my bag tighter and suddenly she turns cold, "Whatever. Just face it, he'll leave. You won't last five seconds and the pathetic trilogy of you never getting a New Years Kiss will continue."

And that was it, I had it.

I swung on my heel and stormed out of there, with Sam's words brewing in my head.


Half an hour later, I found myself knocking on Jack's door. Nan thankfully had collected me from the Mall's parking space and drove me over here.

She knew I was upset but I guess she knew me well enough that I needed to vent. After her telling me to call when I needed to be picked up, I walked my beanie wearing self to the front door.

Wearing only my grey skinny jeans, awesome Adventure Time tee, a black beanie, black vans and a comfy cotton jacket.

The door was pulled open to find Candice's smiling face, I managed to return a small one, "Juliet! What a pleasant surprise."

"Hello Candice. I'm sorry for popping by like this." I apologise, as she waves me off "Don't apologise! It's lovely to see you."

She then looked outside to the freezing landscape and ushered me in with a sheepish grin, "You must be freezing! I'm afraid it's not much better inside, my thermostats broken and the man hasn't come by yet."

"I doubt Jack and you mind since you were bred for the cold." I shiver, but I'm glad I can make some form of small talk. I like Candice, I mean why wouldn't I? She's funny and a bit weird, but loving and supportive.

She also tells awesome stories about her previous endeavours back when the world was young and foolish.

"Oh no dear, I may be a Canadian woman but my old bones shake just as much as yours. Hence, why I am wearing this lovely outfit." She giggles, gesturing to her bundled up body, the lays of clothing swallowing her.

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