"Mani I'm just joking, who would send me a box of spiders anyway?" Seeing the flustered look on the brunette's  face.

"Someone who wants to scare you to death." The words are out of her mouth before she can think, her mind immediately going back to the flowers Dinah received in New York.

"Um, okay." Dinah picks up the box from the couch.

"Maybe we shouldn't open it." Suddenly feeling very anxious about what might be in the box.

"Relax, no one is trying to kill me." Dinah opens the box, Normani holds her breath. There is mess of bubble wrap and pacing peanuts, Dinah pulls out little plastic bottles. She hands it over to Normani.

"Perfume samples?" That's the last thing she imagined would be inside. Spiders, a bomb or even a crazed Jack-In-The-Box but not perfume samples.

"That's right Kehlani has been talking about me signing with a perfume house to get my own signature fragrance."

"You're getting your own perfume?" Normani asks excitedly.

"Apparently." Dinah pulls out more little bottles.

"I think it's a really good idea." Dinah gives her a raised eyebrow. "All the big stars have one. You should invest in your brand, your Dinah Jane Hansen brand."

"I'm a singer not a pair of sneakers."

"You should totally start your own clothing line. You could sell shirts, jeans, jackets and accessories. Maybe handbags or jewellery and shoes! You need to sell shoes." Normani was just about to vibrate out of her skin with excitement.

"Mani calm down, I'm not even sure I want the perfume."

"What? No, you are totally getting the perfume." She takes the box from Dinah.

After unpacking Dinah and Normani are relaxing on the couch. Dinah has her head on the brunette's lap. Dinah is busy enjoying the bowl of popcorn they made for their movie date, but Normani didn't so much as glanced at the TV she is too busy smelling all the different perfume samples.

"I think the perfume should smell like Dinah." She states after smelling yet another sample.

"Do you mean like bottle my sweat?" Dinah scrunches up her nose at the idea.

"No, they could use it clone you or put some voodoo curse on you."

"Then what does Dinah smell like?" She asks poking the brunette in her side making her squirm.

Normani thinks about it  for a moment, she takes a hold of Dinah's wrist pulling it over her nose. "A warm summer's day at the beach, a light breeze running through your hair. The sound off children laughing in the waves. With taste of sweet lemonade on your lips." Normani stares off into space as she describes it to Dinah.

"That was very descriptive... and not at all helpful. You really are a kid at heart, you still have that crazy imagination." Dinah feeds Normani a piece of popcorn and is rewarded with a kiss on her nose.

"How about this one?"

"No! That smells like depression and the tears of small children." Dinah waves her hand in front of her nose.

"Yeah, I'm the one with the crazy imagination." Normani rolls her eyes at the singer.

Dinah's phone starts to ring, she looks at the caller id. "It's Ally." Normani pauses the movie and Callie sits up. "Hey Ally."

"I'm going to go look around in the gift shop." Normani whispers. Dinah nods and the brunette gives her a quick kiss before leaving her to talk to her friend in private. Before leaving the room she grabs her tour jacket, Kehlani insists that they all wear it. She calls it 'free publicity'.

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