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I couldn't believe what was happening to me. There I was, standing alone on a footpath but with people surrounding me, terrified. Slowly people started running for their lives, other were reluctant to. But my feet didn't move.

     A loud screeching roar broke through the night air, warning other people who couldn't see it yet. Its eyes were menacing, its pointed teeth were dripping with saliva. Standing perhaps ten feet tall, it surveyed the city streets of fleeing citizens as everyone seemed to run around aimlessly. But I stayed where I was, frozen to the spot with a steaming coffee in hand and my purse in the other.

     Through all of the commotion, the monster noticed I wasn't moving and locked his eyes on me. Its throat grumbled menacingly when it wasn't roaring as it started to approach me. With cars fleeing the other direction and almost running people over, a garbage truck screeched to a halt not too far away from the monster.

     The truck was only in the corner of my eye as I found it impossible to tear my gaze away from the approaching thing.

     'Hey, lady!' I heard someone yell out successfully over the raucous. But I couldn't let out a squeak let alone turn to face the person.

     As the monster was coming closer, my breath caught in my throat and my brain had started to shut off. Was my body admitting defeat and killing itself before this monster had a chance to? I hadn't seen anything like this but I wasn't a coward.

     As the monster opened his mouth with a thunderous roar, I dropped my coffee and ran the other way. But a second later, the ground trembled as it was coming after me. My legs couldn't run fast enough to get to safety. My vision started to blur and the sounds and feelings of life drifted away. As blackness surrounded me; I couldn't feel any pain or any sign that the monster had caught and killed me.

     A split second later, a voice was calling out to me. An unknown, male voice was asking all sorts of questions that I couldn't quite make out let alone answer. Focusing all my might to open my eyes, my eyelids felt as heavy as bricks. My brain registered a small pinching sensation somewhere on my body but I couldn't figure out where. As the voice became louder and clearer, I could understand some of the words they were saying to me.

     'Mmm?' I heard myself mumble, hearing it a thousand times louder in my head.

     'Are ... awake? Can you ... me?' They asked, sounding very strange.

     'What?' My mouth formed the words and my ears heard them.

     Suddenly, my eyes shot open and a blinding light shocked my system. I rushed to cover my eyes with my arm but my body was too weak to move. A blur of blue was hovering over me as someone placed an oxygen mask over my mouth. They had blocked the light from me as I searched my surroundings with squinted eyes.

     'Can you hear me, miss?' the same, soft voice said above me.

     As my eyes took their time adjusting to the world, I found out that the blue blur hovering above me was a person. I gasped in shock at the sight of them and attempted to sit up but ended up flailing my limbs around and knocking some stuff off small tables next to me.

     'What the hell ... ' I managed to choke out as my arms were strong enough to hold me a quarter up on my elbows.

     The silver table I was lying on was freezing and as the blue man put down a needle (probably what caused that pinching sensation) and start picking up the things I had pushed off, I managed to swing my legs around the metal bed and stand up. But as I pushed myself off the table, my legs weren't strong enough to hold me up and I ended up falling to the ground.

     Pushing my hardest to get up and try to protect myself from the strange man, a pair of blue legs stopped in front of me.

     'You need to rest!' they said, wrapping blue hands around me to help me up. 'You're in a state of shock. The last thing you need is more excitement!'

     'You're telling me,' I said, probably a bit too loud when I was standing, noticing how tall he was.

     I closed me eyes and let the man push me back onto the bed. I was sure I was in shock and had hallucinated the man to be blue. Taking a few deeps breaths and listening to the doctor finish picking up his equipment, I opened my eyes to see the same blue face looking down at me.

     'I'm not seeing this, am I?' I asked.

     The man tilted his head and his alien-like eyes blinked. He blinked.

     'I didn't see that, either,'

     'See what?' He asked, sounding genuinely confused. 'Oh, you mean me!'

     I frowned at him in confusion, hoping any moment he would return to a normal skinned human. But he didn't.

     'Oh ... um ... How can I explain this properly?' He asked himself, thinking. 'That ... thing you saw earlier, that made you faint,'

     'I fainted? I've never fainted!'

     'Well you did. And now, well, you are in a secret base, recovering.'

     'I don't need to recover,' I said, sitting up and frowning. 'I'm fine! I just fainted,'

     'Yes, but there's more to it than that.'

     'What are you talking about?' I was beginning to think this man was just playing dress up, had kidnapped me and made me hallucinate a giant monster to make me faint. 'I just need to get out of here, if you'll let me,'

     'I'm afraid I can't,' He said, holding out a very blue arm to stop me from getting off the bed again.

     'What do you want from me? Do want to kill me for sport, or rape me, or have you figured out what I am?'

     'No, no, no, none of that! Wait ... what you are?'

     Words caught in my mouth as I realized I had said something I shouldn't have. 'Never mind,' I said, trying to still sound angry. 'I'm going!'

     Just before I could step foot on ground, a large, muscular man strode into the room, saying, 'Has that fainted girl woken up yet? Oh ... '

     He was red.

     'What the - ' And I fainted again.

Fish Out of Water {Hellboy}Where stories live. Discover now