His arms looped behind my back and he pulled me up, my body limp like a rag doll in his strong arms.  One arm stayed locked firmly behind my back and his other rose to clamp onto my jaw, holding my head up and in front of him while he leaned forward to kiss me roughly.  I could taste myself on his tongue, but I didn’t care in the least.  I felt like my entire body was vibrating as he kissed me, the bulge beneath his jeans making it clear he was nowhere done with me yet.


“Come on, baby,” he cooed as he pulled back, his hands linking under my thighs as he pulled them around his hips and lifted me off the table.  It was a good thing he was carrying me as we moved down the hall because there was no way I would have been able to manage my limbs after what he had just done to me.  My back pushed lightly against his door as we entered his room, and my head fell forward to press kisses into his neck.  I let my tongue dart out against his skin as he laid me down on his bed, the comforter soft on my buzzing body. 

I watched with wide, needy eyes as he reached his hand to grip his sweater behind his neck and rip it over his head while he stood at the edge of the bed.  I bit my lip into my mouth, the sight of him stripping down in front of me quickly bringing the excited desperation back to my body.  He held my eye contact as he quickly whipped off his belt, clearly too pent up to deal with me undressing him clumsily.  My eyes poured over every inch of his skin as it was revealed to me, the black jeans sliding down his thighs as he pushed them down along with his boxers. 

His body was so beautiful, every inch of him deliciously perfect as he lowered himself down to me.  He ducked his head to kiss me once, his lips curling around mine like they always did.  I felt his hand push against my ribs as he slid it beneath me, and I arched my back so he could undo the clasp on my bra.  He undid it easily, pulling away the last remaining barrier between us as he ducked his head to let his lips close around my nipple.  His tongue was warm as it swirled around the bud, and a satisfied moan left my lips for what felt like the thousandth time already. 

“I need you, Harry,” I groaned, his actions from before and now building up into a desperate frenzy raging inside me.  I needed to feel him and have his body connected with mine the way it was meant to be.  His lips found mine again as I tugged on his hips, bringing him closer between my legs until I could feel him resting there. 

“Harry-“ I breathed, about to remind him of the condom when he reached out to his table and pulled one from the drawer as if reading my mind.  He didn’t hesitate to rip it open, tossing the wrapper aside before he slid it on. 

“You need me, baby?” he whispered, his voice laden with lust as he pushed himself against my entrance.

“God, yes, please,” I groaned, the teasing pressure of him driving me insane. 

“I need you, too,” he whispered as he let his lips connect with mine once more, his hips finally shifting forward to drive himself into me.  Another whimper escaped me only to be muffled by Harry’s lips as he kissed me.  The delicious burn of the stretch singed through me, reminding me once again of how long it had been since we’d been together properly.  He groaned as he pulled his hips back and drove them in again, his actions halting and slow as he let me adjust to him.

“Oh my god,” he groaned.  “I’ve missed being inside you, Hal.”

His words made me shiver again, his dirty confession making me feel more alive than I ever had.  My legs curled up involuntarily around his back, tightening around his hips and pulling him closer to me as his forehead pressed against mine.

“I’ve missed you too, Harry,” I returned.  My hands roamed up his sides before finding the solid muscles on his back.  Heat radiated off him as I dug the pads of my fingers into his skin, urging him to keep moving.  He obliged, rolling his hips back once more before crashing them back into me.  He filled every inch of me as he slid in and out, the glide stinging every nerve I had.  Every move he made rattled through my body down to my bones, the quickly increasing pace of his hips rocking me into submission. 

His tongue pushed into my mouth as he kissed me in rhythm with the way his hips rocked against me, pushing himself deeper into me every time.  It was hard to kiss him with the way he was setting me on fire, but I managed.  My lips molded against him and I accepted every swipe of his tongue hungrily as he gave them, my hands never stopping their exploration of his back. 

I could feel sweat forming on his skin as he thrust into me again and again, the pace of his hips faster now than ever as he crashed into me.  A loud groan rumbled from his chest as I shifted my hips slightly, creating a new angle that allowed him to go even deeper than before.

“Fuck, Hal,” he groaned.  One of his hands found mine, clenching it tightly as he pushed it into the mattress next to my head.  He had complete control over me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

The air was filled with the sounds of our bodies moving together, the rocking of his hips against mine causing the bed to squeal with the motions.  Panting from both our lungs could easily be heard, as well as the slapping of his skin against mine as he rolled his body over me.  Our bodies were creating their own symphony as we moved, each of the sounds more beautiful than the last to me despite their raw and unadulterated tone. 

The fire in my stomach was blazing, threatening to take over as he pushed into me again and again.  I knew he would bring me to my end in a matter of seconds, because my hands were already shaking as they pawed relentlessly at his back.  It was difficult for me to breath as I absorbed every thrust he gave, his pace relentless and unforgiving as he crashed into me, the result a devastatingly beautiful burn that only stoked the flame inside me. 

He was breathless above me, his forehead covered in sweat and his hair sticking to it as I watched him, our kiss broken and forgotten as we got lost in the way our bodies made each other feel.  His eyes seared into mine as I dragged my hands from his back to push his hair off his forehead.  They cradled around his face as I stared into his nearly black eyes, his pupils blown wide because of what we were doing. 

“Come with me, baby,” I gasped, unable to speak at a normal volume because of the way his hips repeatedly drove into mine. 

“Okay,” he breathed, ducking his head quickly to kiss me messily.  His body rolled over mine, and I could feel his muscles starting to tighten beneath my legs that were still wrapped around him.  He gave one particularly deep thrust, and I knew I would be done for. 

“Now, baby,” I said, my hands clutching desperately at his face as his hips drove into me once more, sending the fire in my stomach blazing through my veins as my orgasm hit.  He hissed, his face screwed up in concentration as he came with me.  His eyes squeezed shut and his teeth were bared to me as he stilled himself as deeply inside me as possible.  His muscles strained throughout his body as he held himself over me before collapsing into my chest, his body covered in sweat.

“Holy shit,” I breathed, my chest rising and falling harshly despite his weight resting on me.  I pet my hands through his hair, the strands slick with sweat.  My ragged breathing rattled through the room before I noticed something was wrong.  My harsh breathing wasn’t accompanied by his own, as it should have been.

In the absence of what should have been a heavily panting sound, I could only hear a tight wheezing, the high-pitched sound of it striking straight to my heart as I realized where it was coming from.

It was Harry.  The wheezing whistled from his lungs as he stayed collapsed on top of me, and I noticed his chest was unusually still.

“Harry?” I asked, suddenly terrified something was wrong.

“Harry?!” I said more urgently.  He didn’t respond.  The only sound I could hear was the continued whisper of wheezes coming from him as he struggled to breathe, too weak to even respond to me.  He couldn’t breathe, I had never been more terrified in my life. 

"Let my love adorn you, baby." 

So since I double updated today, make me really happy and vote and comment? Thank you for reading and for all the incredible support! I really love you all so much :) :)

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