Chapter 18

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Lauren’s POV

“Your body is a wonderland,” I loudly sing-songed as I knowingly walked into the bathroom while Camila was showering.

“Lauren?” She called out from within the shower, her body’s sharp silhouette through the shower’s curtains building a feud in the bottom of my stomach.

“Your skin like porcelain; one pair of candy lips and,” I continued to sing John Mayer’s Your Body Is A Wonderland, “your bubblegum tongue.” As I sang, I peeled my shirt off and enjoyed the harmonious sound of Camila’s laughs behind the curtains.

I stripped completely bare and smirked as I stepped into the shower, eyes meeting Camila’s tan, shiny and dripping back, her long, wet hair all to one side of her shoulders.

I hummed as I wrapped my hands around her waist and felt her head blissfully drop to my shoulder.

“Mmm, hello,” she hummed against my ear, kissing it gently as her hands placed atop of mine that were on her stomach.

I dropped my lips to her inviting neck, kissing the wet oh-so-kissable tan skin as her hand moved to my hair to push my lips closer.

“I love you,” I muttered into her ear, before continuing my trail to her jaw line.

She turned around and took me by surprise as she pinned my shoulders against the shower wall and captured my lips in a heated kiss. “I love you,” she growled lightly into my ear, taking my earlobe in between her teeth.

I moaned with a smirk and my eyes rolled to the back of my head at the feel of her tongue licking a trail up my neck, and then going back to suck on my pulse point.

“You sure you wanna do this right now?” Camila hushed out, her wet lips now grazing mine.

I kissed her tempting lips with fervor, her fingers finding the sides of my neck, as I told her once I let go, “Definitely.”

My hands went to the back of her thighs, holding her up and giving her the opportunity to wrap her legs around me, which she had without hesitation.

She pressed her forehead against mine, breathing heavily amongst my lips as I moved us out the shower and towards the sink counter. I hoisted her body upon the marble texture, taking note of Camila’s quick and sharp intake of breath once her wet skin hit the cold surface. I watched my own hand’s movements as it rubbed up and down Camila’s wet, tan and soft thigh, and looking up to see her eyes shut and her neck arched.

I brought my other hand up and curled my fingers under her chin, as my thumb pressed against her plump bottom lip, slightly stretching it downwards before letting it pop back up. “God, you have no idea what you do to me.”

You have no idea what I’ll be doing to you,” Camila responded with a smirk, licking her already damp lips, astonishing me at how different she could be from her usual goofy self at times like these, and it made my stomach set on fire.

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