Pep Rally

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We had spirit week last week and it inspired a character 0w0 their name is Pep Rally, they're a robot. They use body paint of themself to look festive depending on the season. That's why I drew them with skeleton styled designs cause it's October, which means they painted themself like a skelly. They're technically a "he" but are really genderfluid, and they crossdress frequently. They are also 17 years old and are a single Pansexual Nerd. They're very smart and participate in about any club they can, they also run their own club as well as lead the spirit team/pep squad. They hav a hard exoskeleton with a hollow cavity in the ribs and waist area which a sac like casing containing artificial organs (like the ones used on humans in transplants and surgeries sometimes) which allow them to eat, breathe, and other stuff. They can also feel pain and get headaches, but they hav a program in their "main frame" that allows them to deactivate or restart their sensor system.

I own all my characters please don't steal them

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