“I could keep you entertained, if you promise not to yell too loudly,” Hidan said, giving me rather suggestive looks. Which also made me want to vomit. “I’ll pass, thanks.” Kisame chuckled, turning his attention away from the refrigerator.

“You’re such a horny little bastard,” He smiled, patting Hidan on the back. The religious freak twitched, waving his scythe in front of fish man’s face. “Touch me, again, and I’ll sacrifice you to Jashin!”

“I’d like to see you try,” He challenged, wearing a toothy grin. Both readied themselves in fighting stances, about to go at it in the middle of the kitchen. That was, until Konan walked out, looking worse than all of them combined. She hit them both, growling. “Shut up! I was trying to sleep.”

“Pein kept you up late, again?” Hidan winked, making her flush a bright red.

“You two are worse than rabbits!” Kisame exclaimed, laughing with Hidan. She walked out of the room, muttering a string of profanities under her breath.

I shook my head, following her out of the kitchen. You would think they would have something better to do than bickering all day. Not paying attention to where I was going, I rammed into a very sturdy figure. I cursed, falling on my butt. I was about to yell at the person, until a low chuckle brought me up short, making my heart flutter.

“You should really watch where you’re going,” Sasori scolded, holding his hand out to me. I ignored it, standing up. I studied him, noticing the wild disarray his hair was in, how his eyes lazily drooped. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days.

“Where you been? I haven’t seen you in days.” I tried to act like I didn’t care, but I knew he saw right through me. I wish I could say that I didn’t care, to not even bother. But, for some reason, that was proving to be extremely difficult, and I hated myself for it.

“What’s it to you?”

“Just wondering,” I shrugged. He smirked, folding his arms over his chest. “Did little Raikou miss me?” He mocked, starting to annoy me.

“Don’t flatter yourself, hon. It was just weird not seeing you around, that’s all.” 

“That’s to bad,” he continued teasing, “ because, I’ve missed you.” He gently stroke my check, making me wish I could just disappear. I slapped his hand away, fighting down a blush. “Shut up,” I snapped, brushing past him to get where I was going. Now, if only I could remember where that was, exactly. 

I hated him. Oh, how I hated him. I continued speed walking until I was outside, trying to calm myself.

All he was doing was toying with me; my emotions, trying to get a reaction out of me. And, I absolutely loathed him for it. I felt as if I wasn’t even seen as a humane being. In their eyes, I was only a play thing. Deidara’s pet. I slumped against a tree, doubting my decision to stay with them. To have left. Why was I even here?

“Raikou, Raikou!  Come play with me!” A little bounced, green eyes shining in delight. I sighed at my little brother, shooing him away. “I can’t, Kiyoshi. I’m training.”

He pouted, poking out his lower lip. “But, you’re always training, Rai. You’re probably the strongest ninja in all of  the Fire Nation, by now!” He shouted, throwing his arms around. I shook my head, laughing softly. “Maybe some other time.”

I frowned at the memory, regretting not playing with the five year old boy. He would pester me everyday to, but I had always declined. That’s the thing I regretted the most, not telling my brother goodbye.

Maybe I should have stayed at Konoha. Sure, my life was hell, but it was no better here. This just proves that running away from your problems solved nothing. New ones would form, and the old ones would catch up to you, just making a huge mess.


Before long,  night started to fall, making me realize just how late I’ve been out. Not that anyone would notice, they’re probably hoping that I would leave. I groaned, wishing that for once, I’d have better luck.

A dark figure approached me, his Akatsuki cloak flowing out behind him. I groaned, again, just wanting to be left alone. Was that so much to ask for?

“What do you want?” I all but growled, showing the man that he was no welcome.

Sasori chuckled, sitting down next to me. A bit too close for comfort. If I made any sudden movements, our arms would surely brush against one another. “I came to see where you’ve been all day. No one’s seen you, and Deidara is in hysterics … not a pretty sight.”

I rolled my eyes. “Like anyone cares,” Sasori muttered something under his breath, clearly not for my ears to hear. “What was that?”

“Nothing, nothing.” he shook his head, slightly uncomfortable. I ignored him, turning my gaze up to the dimly lit sky, the moon illuminating my pale face. The stars twinkled brightly, reminding me just how dull I felt.

Most of the stars we see are already dead.

Sasori stayed quiet, letting me stay comfortably wrapped in my thoughts. I couldn’t help but think of that moment in the hallways, especially since he was sitting so close. Making me feel a bit uncomfortable. What would it been like if I did kiss him?

“What’s going through your mind?” he asked, tenderly. It scared me. Sasori? Caring? Don’t make me laugh.

“Nothing,” I answered cautiously, laughing nervously. How would he react if he knew how that moment between us made me feel? But, to explain would be unachievable. For I didn’t even know, myself.


He ran a quick hand through his hair, sexily roughing it up. “Nothing important, I suppose.”


Jesus, sorry this took me so long! BUT GUESS WHO HAS 200 FANS, NOW. 

OhMySasori, I love, love, love, love, love, LOVE you! Yes, YOU! (Unless you’re one of those people that hate me, and add my stories to your library, but don’t fan me .. -.-) ;D ♥

COMMENT&&VOTE&&FAN? Happy Readings~!

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