New Bloods To Shed

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They all stared in disbelief as their planet; Cybertron turned into a cybertronian itself.  Some of the other Cybertronians floated around them......dead. Of course the planet changing, shifting, everything about the planet moved. So they weren't surprised when they say their  loved ones dead.  Though it took almost two years to rebuild life on Cybertron, at what normally would have them upset didn't. They stood in awe as the witnessed Unicron shape, by pulling the rubbish that floated around the planet and even the bodies of the dead,  he was able to create him a new body. In the center of his chassis was Darkfire. She looked like she had shut herself down. Almost like she was forced to do.

"You dare try to challenge me yet again?" Primus' voice echoed inside space.

"You know that this will have a different outcome than the last time we battled. For when I defeat you, i will become the new ruler of the universe" 

"He can't fight, he'll kill Darkfire in the process" Knockout stated with a uneasy and frustrated tone.

' Primus, please don't harm Darkfire. Please there has to be another way' 

Steelfrost pleaded with him. She felt Megatron's gaze land on her. Even though he was in pain he sent a soothing wave through the bond trying to reasure her and calm her steadily racing spark. He could fell the pressure from it, and what she was feeling, was the same as his. 

"Release Darkfire and we shall settle this once and for all" Primus raised his arm as it transformed into a cannon. As a bright blue glow began to blind the area around him, their was a loud noise that couldn't be described, the sheer force sent the Nemisis back.

The forced knocked anyone that was standing down. The screen that was being used to show the battle flickered for a few moments before going black, all power seemed to be shut off and everything was dark. 


Everything was hot, then cold again. Darkfire found herself or her essence waking up, though her body was still shut down; her state of mind however was still very much awake. 

"Whats going on?" She looked at the black abyss that surround her. The only kind of "light" was the purple fog that surrounded her. 

Every few minutes the area shook almost like she was inside something being pushed around; but what? Last thing she remembered was......what was the last thing she remembered? Deep down she felt guilty for not remembering anything. But what should she feel guilty for? She could've sworn she heard something...very faint but she heard something....and there was it again....and  again....and again! 

"Hello?" She called out loudly. 

A small light suddenly glowed quite a way from her, and again the voiced called something outy she could make out sorta of what it was saying 'Fire'. She was confused.

"I don't understand!" She yelled loudly hoping it would cause whoever was speaking to speak up. 

The light started to get smaller, like it was moving away from her. She jumped slightly as she realized this and began to run towards it.

"Wait" She called out.

The light didn't shrink anymore it was now growing larger, and the voice became clearer, but she was still confused.


As she grew closer and closer she could understand the voice better.

"Wake up Darkfire! You have to fight back against Unicron" 

The voice was familiar! Primus. She ran even faster, and reached out towards the light.

"PRIMUS!" She screamed out.

The light swallowed her, and she was suddenly forced and almost pushed out of the darkness. But pain was erupting through out her chassis. She wanted to scream out, what was hurting her so bad. Looking down her Chassis had a large hole where her spark would be.

"merge into my chest it'll keep you alive" Primus commanded.

she began to feel weak, and her optics where flickering looking behind her Unicron was sorta falling apart, but still held his shape. He was screaming in pain, she was sure of it. But she couldn't hear anything. 

"Am i? Am i..................... dying?"

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