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Megatron growled in a angered tone.

"What do you want slagger!?" He demanded.

Unicron laughed "Your cocky attitude has not changed even though your are no longer the Decepticon's leader"

"Shut up and answer my question"

Unicron's echoed through his mind "you will soon see"

And just like that he was gone. Megatron blinked before looking around. Steelfrost had just hugged Darkfire before she ran off with Smokescreen while Predaking flew above them.

"Where is she going?" Megatron stepped towards his Sparkmate.

She gave him a confused expression.

"I- Megatron I told you she was going to get a earth based mode?" She paused "what is wrong with you?" She asked in a almost whispered tone.

"Nothing; just thinking" he shook his helm looking away from her.

"You're lying to me"

Megatron looked down at her; he wanted to tell her that he was fine and nor to worth about it but he knew should would see through it. So what now?


Darkfire slowled to a stop when she noticed a vehicle. Smokescreen transformed as if he knew what she was looking at.


She transformed and looked up as Predaking landed looking at her.

"This one" she pointed at the vehicle.

Predaking let out a purr like growl. Blinking at her as if agreeing with her choice. Darkfire smiled as she scanned the vehicle and transformed twice testing it out.

"I love it"

She gave Smokescreen a fist bump and hugged Predaking.

"We should head back before your father gets worried. "

"He's always worried" she joked before transforming and driving with Smokescreen at her side.

Steelfrost finally gotten Megatron to rest, hoping it would help. Steelfrost left him and looked for Optimus. She noticed him standing with the others but not speaking to them. She gently touched his arm looking up at him. He wore a gentle smile till he saw her concern.

"What is wrong?"

She erged him away from the others until they were far enough away.

"It's Megatron. I don't know what's going on. B-but I feel like Unicron is back. I can feel it in my spark Optimus. I-i don't know what else it could be"

"Are you certain that it is Unicron?"

"I believe so. Megatron's optics even changed. They hadn't been that color since after Unicron left his body."

"Has he spoken to you or Megatron since then?"

She shook her head "not for me. I don't about Megatron. What about Darkfire? She doesn't know about him"

"I do not know. I don't if bring his name up would only make it worse or help"

"But if she can speak with Primus why not Unicron?" Steelfrost looked up at him.

"I do not know"

Steelfrost looked at the ground. Before sighing.

"I don't know. Megatron is resting hopefully that helps"

Megatron growled as he ran at Unicron his sword slash through the mech but it vaporized around the sword and materialized beside him. The Mech's purple optics looked straight down at him.

"How are you suppose to protect the ones you love"

Megatron let out a furry roar as he shot at Unicron but it went straight through him.

"Die! Slagger!" Megatron yelled and even ran at him trying to tackle the mech.

He went straight through the chaos bringer and hit the ground with a thud. Unicron erupted into laughter at his failed attempt.

"You really are a good show Megatron. "

"Shut up!"

Megatron was breathless, this was just a nightmare. It had to be.

"Why are you doing this!?"

"Because so many no longer believe in the chaos bringer, and soon even Cybertron will fall. "

"That doesn't explain what it has to do with my family"

"Because you all know of me!" Unicron growled in a angered tone. "You are all foolish to believe that vessel would hold me forever!"

Megatron's optics snapped open and he looked around. Steelfrost laid beside him snuggled close. He drawled her closer when he turned on his side.

"Megatron?" She asked in a quiet voice.


He pulled her closer as she pressed her helm to his chassis.

"Is Unicron back?" She sat up looking at him. Her purple optics held worry and concern.

The question made him tense up, what would he say? He couldn't lie to her? But telling her the truth could scare her even more then she already was. But then again she had a right to know she was his Sparkmate and that ment that what ever was happening the could get through it together. There was a rather long pause between them before he finally spoke.

"Yes" Megatron breathed out as he looked away from her.

The Final Stage of Darkness ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα