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Darkfire didn't recognize the name but felt as if she should.

"Who are you?" She questioned.

"Your blood is different then the others. Your parents have kept you in the dark for far to long"

She felt as if the mech had smirked but couldn't tell.

"Why is my energon and  my parents different from Primus and the other Cybertronians? Seeing how you know so much" she questioned with uncertainty at first but her voice shortly became bold and firm.

"It is called dark energon.  It makes you more powerful then most but it has its disadvantages"

"Such as?" Darkfire found herself becoming more interested in these mech's words.

"Many believe that I am evil and my blood is as well. That I destroyed many planets and that Primus is my sworn enemy. Which is why you can not speak to many about our abilities to communicate. I already know that you parents do not wish to believe you of your ability to speak to Primus"

"No they don't ......... How do you know so much about my parents? About me?"

She wanted to hear everything the mech had to say. She was also infuriated that her parents had lied to her about so much; had kept her in the dark even now! Treating her like a sparking!

"The dark energon creates a small bond between myself and those who's bodies carry my blood. "

"Then why is it called dark energon? Why do many freak out over the mention of it?"

"Primus and I are different but alike. His blood is energon and mine dark energon. But the name of the energon does not matter. "

"Makes since"

"Yes. Your father; Megatron. Had used the dark energon for destruction, and well your mother was created by Primus and her blood was no Energon but my life blood. If Dark energon; if I was evil as legend has it then Primus would not have allowed your mother to have it instead of the normal energon"


She shook her helm slightly as she heard her name being called from the other side of the quarters door. She stepped towards it and smiled softly as it opened.

"Smokescreen, what's up?"

"I figured I'd let you know we will be entering earth's atmosphere in ten minutes. "

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