Special Halloween Chapter 8

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(Time skip to a mouth later)

Ciel's P.O.V

Today is Halloween my favorite holiday, but something tells me that this year is going to be different.

Sebastian P.O.V    

"Hey  Sebastian" "Oh hey Knox how are you" "Good good anyway I'm throwing this Halloween partied later today, you want to come" "Hmm...sure I guess but on one condition" "You can bring you little doll too Sebastian" "Thanks also Ciel is not a doll" "Whatever, anyway see you at the party" "Later Knox".  

After Knox left I went to go find my Ciel and tell him about the party. Hmm I wonder what costume I should wear........or what costume Ciel should wear.

(Time skip to a few hours later)

  Ciel's P.O.V

"Ciel~" "Hey Sebastian" "Guess what" "What" "Where going to the Halloween party tonight" "Wait what" "Yep and your going" "Um no" "Why not" "Because it just a waste of time" "Please, for me Ciel if you don't go then I'll be a alone" "Hmmm fine" "Yeah now lets go costume shoping" "WAIT WHAT"!!!!!!!!!   

 (Time skip to 1 hour later)

Ciel P.O.V 

I can't believe I'm doing this. Sebastian somehow dragged me to going costume shopping, well don't get me wrong I do love costumes and Halloween but not parties.

I whack as Sebastian walks though the aisles looking for a costume for me to wear. I soon see him looking at a cat costume and I got a bad feeling about this. I soon walk around the store  looking at all the costumes.

Until my eyes saw a amazing costume I have seen.


I saw a dark angle costume with beautiful black wings. I got the costume and thought it would look good on Sebastian, so I walked back to where he was and showed him the outfit.

(time skip) 

Ciels P.O.V  

In the end Sebastian got me a cat costume and I got him the dark angle one, and we ended up going to the party.

"Hey Ciel" "Alois I didn't know you were here" "Hehe yeah" "Um are you ok" "Oh yeah just a little little headed that's all" "Oh alright" "Anway here I got a drink for you here" "Oh well thank you".

Alois handed me the drink. I took a sip out of it, then things got a little weird.

Sebastian P.O.V

"Um hey Sebastian" "What's up Knox" "Um he might have drank some alcohol" "Wait what, where is he" "Over there".

I turned around to see Ciel dancing on the dance floor.

"I guess your leaving" "Yep".

(Time skip) 

Sebastian P.O.V

"Hehe Sebby I love you~".

I took Ciel back to our house so that he can rest, but he's kind of being difficult.

"Ciel please just rest" "Noooo" "Why not" "Well....because I love you" "Oh Ciel I love you too but you need to rest" "Not until you give me A kiss" "oh fine".   

I lead down to give Ciel a small kiss, but he kisses me deeply and holds me. 

I can't  hold back any longer.

I kiss him deeply and hold him close to me. I started to take his clothes and mine.

"S-Sebastian" "I love you Ciel" "I-I love you ahh" "aggghhh Ciel" "Yes more please more ahhh" "Aghhh Ciel" "I-I going to cu- ahhhhh"................................  

After that we both fell asleep together.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Halloween every one Oh my god I'm kind of proud of this chapter and I hope you all liked it to so until then see you in the next chapter. 

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