Chapter 6

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Ciel's P.O.V

Alois you jerk.

I hear Sebastian laughing his but off and L am just blushing so hard.

"Alois I'm going to kill you" "Hahahahahah" "Oh come on Ciel you know it's true" "Still it's embarrassing you jerk" "Hahahaha" "But Sebastian thinks it's funneling" "Whatever" "Hahaha".   

(Time skip)

After lunch and the class of the hell know as school (Sorry if anyone like schools) Sebastian took me to the park.

We waked for a little while, then sat under a big tree and rested.

"Um Sebastian" "Yes my love" "I love you" "I love you too" "I love you more" "I love you must~" "Heheh".     

For the first time in my life I feel happy, I feel loved, nothing can ruin this moment, that's until my phone rings.

(I'm so sorry)

"Hello" "Is this Ciel Phantomhive" "Yes" "Um I'm sorry to say this but your mother and father have been in a car crash and are in the hospital" "What"?!!? 

(Time skip, I'm so sorry)

Why did this happened to me. I'm in the hospital with Sebastian waiting to see if my mother and father are ok, but I'm so scared.

"Ciel are you ok" "Sebastian, I'm so scaried" "I now my love but it's ok, I promise everything is going to be ok" "But what if it's not ok" "Then I'll make everything better" "Thank you Sebastian" "Your welcome my love".  

After that I started to cry and Sebastian hold me making sure I was ok.

(Time skip)

"Um Ciel Phantomhive" "That's me" "Your parents survived the crash but...." "But" "I'm sorry to say that there in a coma and they might not walk up" "W-what" ".....Um can Ciel see his mother and father" "Of course, this way please".

Sebastian and I follow the women to my parents room.

(Time skip, I'm going to cry 😢)

We finally and it to my parents room and as I entered the room I see my mother and father laying on the bed in a deep sleep.

"" "Ciel are you going to be ok" "It's all my fault" "No it's not Ciel you had nothing to do with this, everything is going to be ok" "....Ok".

We stayed at the hospital a little goner then went home. The drive was quite but not a good quite more like a uncomfortable quite.

"So Ciel what do you want to do tomorrow" "I don't know" "We can go see a movie" "...." "We can go to the park" "...." "Ciel please talk to me I hate seeing you like this" "....Can I stay at your house tonight" "Of course you can my love" "Thank you".

 After the long drive we finally made it to Sebastian's house. Sebastian and I went inside his house, but I went up to his room to take a nap as Sebastian made some lunch.

Sebastian P.O.V

Oh Ciel. I wish I could help him. Knowing something like that is scary. Seeing Ciel like that hurt me so much.

I hope he will be ok. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm crying so much right now, but let's just hope it get's better. Until then see you in the next chapter.   

Also early chapter because I'm going to do a Halloween chapter so yeah.

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