Chapter 3: Rainy Days

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Chapter three:

"Isabelle, it's Friday night and we haven't went out in so long!" Claire groaned falling on the bed beside me.
"It's only been three weeks Claire" I sighed flicking through Instagram.
"It feels like it's been three years!" She cried dramatically.
"Josh and the guys are going out so why don't we go out for dinner?" I suggested throwing my phone on the bed.
"We can have a huge catch up!" she agreed happily.

Claire and I decided to go to San Lorenzo's to get some Italian, we had never tried it before so why not. When the waitress had escorted us to our booth I looked around and admired all the posh, well off people sitting eating their food chatting amongst each other. They were all dressed  so professionally and there Claire and I had sat wearing leggings, Super Dry jumpers and Uggs.

"Are you both ready to order?" A young Italian waiter asked looking at both Claire and I.
"Uhm well you see I've never actually had Italian before so whatever you suggest I'll try" I laughed shyly.
"I'll have whatever she's having" Claire agreed.
"Would you both like our special mushroom risotto?" He suggested pointing out the picture on the menu.
"What's that?" Claire asked dumbfounded.
"Risotto is an Italian dish of rice cooked in stock with ingredients such as vegetables and meat" he explained.
"Please" we both chirped handing him the menus.

As we sat eating our risotto and drinking our white wine we had a long conversation about everything we had encountered in the past few weeks.
"You and Paul?" I inquire looking up from my plate.
"He asked me to be his girlfriend last week and obviously I said yes, he's really nice I never thought I'd find someone like him. How's Josh?" Claire explained smiling like a little girl with a new puppy.
"He's doing great, he just finished making a television stand for college he's a good handy man, he and the lads are gone out tonight to that new bar. Paul is gone too isn't he? Josh was talking about it today".
"Yeah Paul went out with them, we should go out tonight! Why is it that we get to stay in while the guys have fun" Claire muffled stuffing her face with rice.
"Yeah we should we can ask the girls too".
"Yeah I'll text Jessica, Aine, Aoife and Amanda" Claire squealed grabbing her phone and texting the girls.
"Jessica will probably make up some excuse as to why she can't go. Chase doesn't let her hang out with us remember?".
"I'll text her to be nice, at least then she won't be able to spread a rumour saying we never even asked her out with us".

When we got home I stood trying to decide what to wear.
"What will I wear?" I asked Claire as I scanned through my wardrobe. The truth was I didn't want to go out, I wanted to stay home watch movies and eat junk, reason being that I had a feeling something bad was going to happen.
"That floral body con you bought in Put a Bow on it. You've never wore it so you could tonight" Claire suggested while straightening her long blonde hair.
"Good idea. I'll wear my new beige heels with the gold zips".
When I had my dress tossed out on the bed I ran into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. I hoped to run into Josh but then again I wasn't sure if he'd appreciate the thought that his girlfriend was spying on him.

When I had dried and curled my long brown hair I put on my dress and heels. I looked in the mirror for a moment wondering whether or not I should where the necklace Josh had given me when he won his county final. It was a silver chain with a small hurl.

"Wear it" Claire smiled picking the necklace up off my table and fastening it around my neck.
"Can you read my mind or something?" I sighed.
"Twin telepathy" she giggled.
"But we're not even blood related" I retorted playfully.
"Doesn't matter".
"Claire have you ever been afraid to love someone in case they leave again?" I asked sadly, it had been on my mind all week but I was to scared to admit it.
"I have that feeling with everyone Is.. I'm always afraid that the people I love are going to get bored of me and leave..".
"Hey I'm not going anywhere! I love you" I empathised hugging Claire tightly.
"I love you too Is".

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