'' No, we do not get tortured and killed,'' he moved to sit beside her. '' If they wanted to they could have killed us while we had been occupied but instead they took us. That means someone gave the order to only retrieve not kill,''

That was true. But. '' How could someone had given that order. There was no way anyone knew we would be there.''

'' They were to well prepared for it to be just a coincidence. To attack a Halo in the open with no cover to hide in means an attack had been planned. Which means the area had been scouted and arranged to conceal them until we came.''

'' That still does not explain how they knew we would be driving to and from the military district. Unless they were just planning to capture any random soldier.'' Annika knew that that was untrue. For some odd reason, she got the feeling that they had been the desired targets. Which means the rebels knew she and Nathaniel would be traveling along that road. Alone. But how? It was impossible for the rebels to have known that she and her family would be visiting the military district. She hadn't even known they would be visiting. So how could the rebels plan an attack before hand?

Nathaniel had been thinking the same thing because his lack of answering was her answer. Annika gave a startled gasped when her blindfold was removed. Blinking repeatedly she looked around the van but wasn't able to see anything because the interior was just as black as when she was blindfolded. Even though she couldn't see Nathaniel she knew he was in front of her by the warm air she felt on her face.

'' I need you to tell me the truth because if you don't and I think for any second that you are lying or about to lie I will kill you instantly,'' He leaned closer into her face until she felt the tip of his nose on hers. She went stiff with anxiety. '' Did you or your mother and sister plan this?'' Annika jerked back in surprise. Why the hell would he think that. Wasn't she in the same predicament as him.

'' No, we did not have anything to do with this. And if we were involved why the hell would I be back here with you, huh?'' Once again she felt him leaning forward. It was almost like he wanted to look into her eyes. Which would be impossible because it was too dark to see anything?

The silence was all she heard but she knew he was still in front of her by the warm air he was breathing in her face. After a full minute of pure tension, he finally leaned away from her. She knew because she longer felt the warm air. He went back to sitting beside her. He believed her. Thank goodness. Exhaling a breath that she had been unknowingly holding her body begone to relax. That only cause her poor arms to shoot with the momentarily forgotten pain.

Groaning she tried to seek some kind of relief but the tightly tied ropes prevented any movement. How the hell did he get free? '' Now that you know I didn't have anything to do with this would you please untie me?'' Nathaniel didn't make a move to help. What the hell was he waiting on for her arms to fall off? He did believe her. Right? '' Nathaniel what-'' The van came to a sharp stop. Making Annika fall to her right. Bracing for the painful impact she knew was coming she closed her eyes. Only this time she felt strong hands grab her and she was being pulled into a hard chest. Just like that, Annilka forgot about the van's floor. About her being tied up and the blinding pain. About being kidnapped and probably killed by the very people she wanted to become. The only thing that was registering in her mind was his chest. His very hard chest. His very hard and muscular chest that were pressing against her breast.

Why was it that this man, this Halo, can make her weak by just touching her? Now was not the time to be admiring his godly like chest. And was most certainly not the time for the sudden water works downtown.

'' If what you say is true about not being involved, then I think you should prepare yourself for what you are about to witness and go through,'' Nathaniel said as he sat her back. '' These people are unstable.'' he finished, moving away from her.

Reality came crashing back like an earthquake. What the hell was she doing? She should be focusing on survival, not his chest. But why did he move away? The heat from his body was comforting. Focus Annika. Shaking her head a little she tried to clear her dirty mind. Furrowing her eyebrows what he said easier was remember. 'Unstable'. Even though she had been kidnapped and thrown in a cold and smelly van by the rebels she felt the need to defend them. '' They are not unstable. They are fighting for freedom. Freedom to pursue one's own happiness without the dictatorship of the Watchmen,'' She was quickly becoming mad and the hard muscular chest was soon forgotten. Well, at the moment at least. There was no way to forget such perfection. '' They just want the chance for all people to live freely.''

'' You seem to be having your group of rebel confused.'' Nathaniel sneered.

'' Confused? What are you talking about? They are the Freedom Fighters. Right?'' Annika said unsurely. Dread slowly raising.

Before he could answer the van's back doors were jerked open making a surprised Annika squeak. Standing in front of them was the same mountain of a man that had banged on her window and yanked her roughly from the car. '' Let's go love birds. Our leader would like to have a chat with yall.'' He said with a menacing smirk.

Annika had a very bad feeling that things were about to go from bad to worst.


Colony Six: Miltary District

'' What the fuck do you mean the Freedom Fighters took Raven and Mary?'' The large man was livid. He had been so fucking close to her. ''How could they have infiltrated our base and kidnapped two women and get away without anyone's notice?'' So close. He could have had his sweet angel. Again.

The frightened soldier wanted to run from the room but knew that would mean his death. He knew he was treading on thin ice. Losing his general's love was probably already his death. '' Sir, they -'' He was cut off from explaining when a hard knock was heard at the door behind him.

'' Come in,'' His general yelled, pissed at being interrupted. Another soldier enters the room, looking nervous. '' This better be important. I said no interruptions.''

Standing at attention the soldier swallows hard, his Adam's apple working overtime. '' Sir, a report just came in. It seems that  Halo soldier Nathaniel and a girl named Annika where capture.'' What the fuck. 

'' By whom,'' The general hissed out between his teeth. Dammit, would anything go according to plan? He had planned this day to perfection and now everything was turning to shit.

'' By Alexander sir.''



So what do you guys think? Who is this Alexander? And who is this mysterious stranger called the General? What or more like who does he want?

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