|Chapter Fifteen ~ Hear Me Roar|

Start from the beginning

"So... I take it that you told him then?" Ginny asked as she nodded at me and the person I was lying on.

"Huh?" I asked, confused what is she talking about.

"Erm you and George... you did tell him, right?" Hermione asked.

"No... no I didn't." I said.

"Oh well you two certainly look cozy." Ginny said, her grin threatening to crack her face. That's when the memory from last night came back to me, me falling asleep... on George.

"Ginny!" I hissed quietly at her, wriggling around trying to get free of George's arm that had a very tight grip on my waist. "Help me." I said, giving my friends what I hoped was a desperate look.

"Sorry no can do." Ginny said, gripping onto Hermione and dragging her out of the common room and down to breakfast. Sighing, I turned to peer up at George before poking him in the stomach.

"Ugh... five more minutes." He grumbled underneath from me.

"George... Come on George, wakey wakey!" I yelled gaining lots of unwanted attention. Finally I managed to shake George from his slumber.

"What are you doing in my room?" George asked, his eyes cracking open and a smiling slipping onto his luscious lips.

"Georgie... we're still in the common room from last night." I said as he looked around at the people near us, I used this distraction to pull away from him and to sit up.

"Oh... well umm I'll see you later." George said before he got up and left, disappearing up into the boy's dormitories. I didn't dwell on it; instead I went to the girl's dormitories and got ready for the day that lay ahead.

- - - - - -

The whole school was talking about the arrival of the other wizarding schools that were meant to be arriving this evening, much to the teachers' dismay. I don't know why they didn't just give us the day off, it's not like anyone will do any work today.

I was sitting in my last class of the day, transfiguration. McGonagall was trying to get everyone's attention to teach us how to transform ourselves into an animal of our choice.

"Right I want you all to have a go now... Choose an animal and say the spell whilst waving your wand around your body!" She yelled over the chatter, startling a few people. I stood from my seat and chose an animal... a lioness. It seemed fitting at the time considering that a Lion was the symbol for Gryffindor.

"Ego Moto." I mumbled, the spell for transforming ones body, next thing I knew I was on all four legs staring at sandy coloured paws.

"Excellent Miss. Tonks! Ten points to Gryffindor! If I do say, you make for a lovely lioness. Now for the counter spell, say 'Exero' in your head and hopefully you will return to human form." She said before walking over to a Ravenclaw who was having trouble transforming her legs to match her Giraffe neck and head. I gave a small roar in recognition before I said the spell in my head. I was relieved when I noticed that my body was one that I recognized as my own, I wouldn't want to get stuck looking like a Lion for the rest of my life! "Well class, some of you performed that spell exceptionally well." She said looking at me before she continued. "Others however did not. No matter we will simply repeat the exercise on Monday. Now I'm sure you are all excited for this evening... so class dismissed. Oh and remember you must wear your house robes!" She yelled to the retreating backs of her students, all of who were chatting excitedly. I, not being one to socialize often, headed quickly up to the Gryffindor common room on the seventh floor.

"I'm telling you bro, her body felt amazing." I heard George say to his brother Fred, neither of them noticing my presence.

"Well, why won't you just tell her you like her?" Fred asked, confusion lacing his tone.

"Because Freddie, after this summer I'm pretty sure she hates me. Especially the way we acted towards her." He mumbled. Deciding that I had had enough of eavesdropping I butted in with my two cents for this conversation.

"I'm sure that whoever she is doesn't hate you." I said to a worried George as I sat in-between him and his brother. "No one could hate you two."

"Why hello there Ari, how long have you been standing here?" Fred asked as he looked towards me and then gave a pointed look at his brother.

"Not long. So who's the lucky girl that our little Georgie here is crushing on? He tried to tell me last night but I fell asleep." I asked to no one in particular as I tried to stop the jealousy from showing.

"Not for me to tell you Ari. Now let's go see what those poncy foreign schools have to offer." He said wiggling his eyebrows at me as he grabbed my arm and started pulling me down towards the Great Hall, George following slowly behind us.

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