The start of it all.

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"Mom, Dad, I'm just gonna spit it out. I'm um, I'm gay..."
The silence screams in my ears as I instantly regret telling them about my homosexuality. I hope they understand.
I look over to my mother, a group of tears start to gather in her eyes, threatening to spill. Her face has a fine layer of sadness painted across it although it's hard to see as there's a thick layer of disgust covering it.

I then look to my father. I can practically see the steam coming out of his ears. he looks like he wants to shoot me. My parents have always been supportive of me since I was born, they understood me. Looks like that's about to change.

"Get out," he says under his breath
"What?" I chirp in fear.
"GET OUT PHILLIP!" He yells.
I run.
Past the corner shop.
Past the farms.
Past the the welcome sign of my hometown— wait...WHAT? I had run all the way from the village I lived in to the sign that leads to the next city meaning...I was 5 miles from home. What have I done.
I can't help it.
The tears spill.
I'm balling my eyes out with no certainty of why. I drop to the ground and I'm sat in a pile of damp autumn leaves. The summer breeze has started to turn cold. It now has a vicious bite as it whips my fragile, pale skin. It pulls my raven hair too. It ties it into intricate knots as it shouts insults at me. 'You're a waste of space!' It screams. Wow, even nature hates m—
"Are you okay?" A voice mumbles sweetly? It's hard to tell. I look up.. (Imagine Always by p!atd is playing) I see a boy in a grey hoodie. His figure resembles mine except he's taller. His hair is an auburn brown, he has a long fringe and soft, warm eyes to match. Why me though?
"Y-yeah I'm f-fine," I reply, shivering because of the cold.
"I saw you run out of a house,I'm new by the way and I think I live opposite you, 'my name is...dan'" he remarks. "Phil," I squeak.
When he drops me off at home, I dread what's to come. What will my parents say?
"Mom, Dad?" I ask as I check the time,  21:33 it reads. They're probably in bed, they have work early. I sneak up the stairs to bed and try and get some sleep. My room is fairly plain, It's all a light shade of green although the ceiling is plastered in posters (mainly of Buffy the vampire slayer oops). I sit and think about Dan. He didn't seem right but there were no signs that proved that, I mean he took me home without slitting my throat so that's good right? Oh god what had my life come to?
The sound of my alarm clock attacks my ears like sharp blades. Yay a new day! (Note the sarcasm) I hop in the shower quickly. I always have the water scolding hot. I can focus on the pain other than my thoughts.

After I'm finally dressed into a blue shirt, black jeans and a baggy hoodie, I sneak downstairs. No one is in luckily so I head to school.
I arrive 10 minutes before the bell. I see Dan. He's holding a milkshake and he's with a bunch of popular dudes? Those guys are Idiots. His eyes meet mine and I wave. He comes toward me. "Hey D—" then he chucks his milkshake on my head. The freezing chocolate milk drips down my fringe like ice. Why Dan? Why Me?

Pathetic Queer (Bullied by dan howell) *Phan Style*Where stories live. Discover now