Chapter XX: Love Kills

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Rights to some of the characters and plot line go to J. K. Rowling and L. J. Smith. However, some of the characters and most of the plot are mine.


Unknown's PoV:

"Sir, I do not want to speak too soon but I think we have figured the next part of the prophecy out!" The fat man waddled into his superior's office, unable to contain his excitement.

The other man rose from behind his desk, a pleased smirk on his face. "Do we know who it is about?"

The fat man cringed. "No, but we know what to do when we find out who they are."

"What is that then?" The superior raised a sceptical eyebrow.

The shorter man laid down a large piece of parchment on the other man's desk. He began pointing to different areas of his plan as he discussed it.  "So, I think it's quite clear from the first verse that it just begins by speaking about this couple that are going to end the world. Second verse, tells us the man is incredibly powerful and he abuses this to create a world of war. Then it tells us that the woman is the thing to cause him to abuse his power in this way, she's the catalyst." The short man made sure his boss was watching him with rapt attention before he continued. "The third verse makes this clearer, it talks about love tearing his soul into 8 pieces, we are unsure whether that has any specific meaning but the point is clear. There's this repetition of finding the pair 'before the end' in every verse, so it's clear we need their identities before we can fully stop this prophecy. But the final verse talks about the girl being the one to catch, so I think it's her we need to go after and that should stop the rest."

The older man stroked his beard, nodding in agreement. "There is a chance we're wrong, so I don't want to kill the woman really, just make him think she is dead. I want a spell designed to seal her in a tomb so that if we're wrong and we need her, she's available."

"Yes sir, I'll have someone begin designing the spell immediately. We're trying our hardest to figure out who the man and woman are, we should know in the next couple of years." The man collected his paper as he spoke.

"Good." The superior sat back behind his desk. "Let's just hope it isn't too late."


Katherina's PoV: *Christmas of final year*

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this." Tom grumbled from his place next to me in a compartment on the train. We were travelling back to London for Christmas holidays.

"How else am I going to make you immortal?" I mock glared at him. "I can't do it if you're at Hogwarts and I'm at home."

He rolled his eyes. "I know, but you could have stayed at Hogwarts with me."

"Tom, I have a family to spend Christmas with." I placed a hand on his arm, waiting until he looked ne in the eye. "We are together so that means you have a family to spend Christmas with. You'll enjoy it, I promise."

Tom still seemed unsure, no matter what I said. "I've never celebrated Christmas before." 

The whole compartment went silent at his words, us unable to believe he had never experienced the holiday.

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