Start from the beginning

Calum was biting his lips, his arms coming around to wrap at my waist once more. "That sounds like a good plan."

I purposely avoided kissing his lips this time, my nose and my lips barely brushing over his cheekbone then his cheek and down to his jaw. His breath caught when I moved to his neck. I landed a kiss right at the point where his neck and his shoulder met.

"As much as I would love for you to keep going," Calum said and I felt him swallowing, his throat obviously getting dry. "I think I just figured out what we can do to get management off our backs."

I leaned back, narrowing my eyes. "We are not making-out in front of the paparazzi. Kissing at the airport is differe—"

"I wasn't going to suggest that," Calum chuckled. "Just trust me, okay?"

I didn't have a clue about what it was he was planning. But then Calum was kissing me again and my brain failed to think altogether.

I had asked for this. I wanted this. And by asking for this, I was now dancing along that line. That line we haven't acknowledged out loud, that line I drew years ago to protect my sanity.

That line's getting thinner each time we're together.

It took a second to figure out that Calum was kissing his way down my neck. "I wonder," A kiss. "What people would think we did," And another. "If they saw you covered in hickeys?"

My mind just short-circuited.

I swallowed. "Oh." Now I understood.

His breath ghosted over my skin, making goosebumps erupt all over my arms. My hands were now holding onto the back of his shirt.

"That would make quite the statement."

I felt Calum smile against my neck before he pulled away. "I won't do it if you don't want me to. There'll be pictures, pictures on the internet practically last forever. I'm just giving a suggestion." And of course he was a hundred percent sincere.

As if he wasn't perfect enough.

"I don't have a better plan, so.."

Calum shook his head, rubbing his hands slowly up and down my arms. "We can think of something else. Everybody's going to see them, you know. And I mean everybody."

I shrugged. "They've seen worse from me."

Calum didn't like that I brought up the time a man took pictures of me naked without my knowledge and then leaked it. He didn't like it one bit. I pecked his lips to get him to stop frowning. "Just go for it, Calum. I've made up my mind."

Where I was getting my courage, I had no idea. Maybe this wasn't bravery though. Maybe this was just recklessness.

Calum's hand were now gripping my hips and was back to kissing my neck. His lips parted, and all thinking has ceased. I tilted my head to give him more access, my eyes closing. He was nipping at the skin just below my jaw. Calum would plant a kiss kiss then lick over it before going back to nipping and sucking at the patch of skin.

"This shirt," Calum said against my skin as he slid the fabric up. His hands are cold from where they're settled just under my waist. I shivered. "Best thing you own."

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