Chapter Six ~After Math~

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That's all the girls heard. Clicks from phones and cameras. They couldn't take it. Katelyn pulled away and looked around then ran out the doors. Aphmau was close behind. She ran out the doors and quickly to Katelyn's car. To see Katelyn sitting on the hood of it, sobbing. Aphmau ran to Katelyn and sat beside her.
"Why was I so stupid to do that!?"
"Katelyn, it wasn't a stupid move."
"Yeah it was! Everyone saw it, Aph! Everyone saw our kiss!"
"But thats not the worse pa-"
Aphmau was cut off by a familiar voice "Aph! Kate! What happen in there?" It was Laurence and he had someone with him. Katelyn looked to see who it was. It was Amethyst, Katelyn's younger sister. "Kate! Are you okay? What happen?"
"I'm okay. I promise."
"Katelyn. You're not okay. You have tear streaks down your cheeks."
"Something happened. I'll be okay. "
Soon everyone's phone started dinging. Amethyst looked down at her phone and saw that it was a link. She clicked the link and saw a video of Aphmau and Katelyn. Their lips were locked together. She quickly shut off her phone and turned away from the three. "Am? You okay?" Laurence said with concern. "Uh? Oh yeah. I'm okay. Just a little shaken. That's all." Katelyn got off her car and walked to Amethyst then pulled her into a tight hug "I'm so sorry. I truly am." Katelyn said holding back tears "Why are you sorry? I mean I'm okay with it if you like girls. That's not going to change that you're my older sister. I mean you might be older but I still have to protect you. " Amethyst replied smiling. Aphmau walked over to Laurence and whispered "I didn't know Katelyn had a sister. They honestly look nothing alike." Laurence looked at the sisters then whispered to Aphmau "True. But I mean maybe Am looks like their mom?" Aphmau nodded her head. Finally Katelyn spoke up "Hey we should all get out of here. Am you can stay with Laurence until 11:30. Then I want you home. Got it?" Amethyst nodded and said "Yes ma'am." Katelyn looked at Laurence and glared. A glare that said "Don't try anything stupid" he quickly nodded his head and then put his arm around Am's waist. Together they walked to his car. Katelyn looked at Aphmau "I can take you home if you want. It's what you wanna do." She said to break the silence. "Could I go home with you? I'm kinda not wanting to be home. " Aphmau replied. Katelyn nodded in agreement, she opened the passenger's side door Aphmau stepped inside and smiled. Katelyn got in and started the car. She was hoping that Aph would come to her house because she had something planned there. Amethyst helped her set it up. She hopes Aphmau will like it...

HA CLIFFHANGER. So you guys have to wait for the next update :3. I wonder how many of you put this in your library? Probably not many. But the OC character is Amethyst. I'm sorry I can't remember the user who gave it to me. I'm to tired to remember. But as always I will YOU GUYS in the next chapter BYE BYE!

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