Chapter One ~The Girl~

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{Katelyn's P.O.V}

[late Saturday night]

Great. School is starting back. All that means is I have to deal with Sasha and her crew. What else is going to go wrong this year? Well it's time for me to grow up and forget about her. That's all I can do. Gah. I gotta get some sleep. It's three in the morning.

[time skip to Monday still Kate's P.O.V]

I walk down the school's hallway headphones on full-blast. I walk quickly to my next class but get distracted by a black haired beauty. I think to myself, should I approach her? I shake my head and continue to class. In class I see her again. The girl in the hall. Her gorgeous  black hair, the way she talks, but I don't even know her name. I do know one thing. She's beautiful.

[Lunch Period]

I grow enough courage to talk to her. She's sitting with the nerdy group 'cute' I mutter to myself. I walk up and tap her on the shoulder "Uh hi. I'm Katelyn. I saw you in the hall and you looked new so I wanted to meet you." I choked up nervously. She looked at my pastel-blue hair and said "Hi Katelyn! I'm Aphmau!" She held out her hand. I shook it like a normal human being. I think to myself 'Don't make a move. Don't make a move. Don't make a move. ' I look her in her amber-golden eyes and nervously say "Hey erm do you want to hang out sometime?" She looked at me with joy in her eyes then she squealed "Totally! You seem pretty cool!" I smiled and wrote my number on a napkin. Cliché. She take the napkin and stuffs it in her pocket then happily walks away. (A/N Yeah I know this isn't good. Just hang in there it will get better.)

[Time skip to later that day {Third person P.O.V}]

Katelyn paced in her room waiting for a text or call from Aphmau. She practiced punching for a bit then she hears a 'DING'  from her phone. She quickly goes to check it |Message from Aphmau :3|
Aph: Hey!
Kate: Hey Aph!
Aph: Hey I got a question!
Kate: Shoot?
Aph: Do you want to be my partner for our Geometry project?
Katelyn looks at her phone feeling the heat build up in her cheeks.
Kate: Yeah totally!
Aph: Great! So when do you want to meet up?
Aphmau looks at her phone and thinks to herself 'Wonder why she takes so long to reply?' Moments later Aphmau gets a message |Message from Katelyn XD|
Kate: Your place? If that's fine with you?
Aph: Sounds fine with me!
Kate: Hey it's late I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight.
Aph: Goodnight :3
Katelyn ends the message as she sighs and smiles flopping into the bed. 'Tomorrow is going to be great' she whisper to herself.

Well there you guys go. That's chapter one of 'The Girl I Love' I hope you guys are liking it. Sorry it wasn't it so long. It's 2 in the morning XD. But I hope you guys like the story. I'm writing these as I go so let's see what happens from there. But anyway goodnight my Zombie Army :3
~Payton (aka Zombie)

The Girl I LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant