Chapter Five ~Plot Twist~

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[Saturday Afternoon {4 Hours Before The Dance}]
Aphmau frantically paced back and forth looking for a dress. She has tried on every dress in her closet and nothing seems right. She looks and looks and looks, she comes across a box at the bottom of her closet. She slowly picked up the box, on the lid it read 'Do not open unless special reason' Aphmau looked at all her dresses thrown on her bed, then looked back at the box. Slowly she raised the lid revealing a beautiful, hi-low, strapless, purple and pink dress. She tries it on, she gazes in awe at the dress. 'This is perfect' she whispers to herself. She runs into her bathroom and starts to fix her hair and makeup.
[Meanwhile at Katelyn's]
Katelyn looks through all of her jeans and flannels looking for something she hasn't worn in a very long time. Finally, she feels the fabric against the tips of her fingers. She smiles 'That's it' she mumbles to herself. Katelyn pulls out this beautiful long black dress. She chuckles at the fact that she hadn't wore this dress since her last dance. She takes off her top and shorts then slides on the dress. It fits like she remembered it did. She found her black and white converse and slid them on. Katelyn looked in the mirror and was satisfied with what she saw. She looked at the time then ran into her bathroom to do her hair and makeup.
[Three Hours Before The Dance]
Aphmau finished her hair and makeup then decided to text Katelyn.
Aph: Hey Kate!
Kate: Aphmau hey!
Aph: You ready for the dance tonight?
Kate: Yeah! What about you?
Aphmau felt the heat build up in her cheeks just thinking about going to the dance with Katelyn. It gave her butterflies.
Aph: I'm excited!
Kate: Great! Hey so should I come pick you up or how does that work?
Aph: Haha you can pick me up if you want to.
Kate: Okay cool! I'll be there in at least an hour. I'm still trying to get ready :P
Aph: Sounds good to me! See you in a bit!
Katelyn looked into her bathroom mirror. She didn't see 'the female jock no one wants to hang out with' instead she saw a girl, with a bit of makeup on and her hair fixed. She hoped this was enough to impress Aphmau.  She looked at the time. It was 15 minutes until the time she had to pick up Aphmau. "Crap, I have to hurry!" She ran down her stairs and out to her car then drove to Aphmau's.
Patiently waiting for the doorbell to ring Aphmau looked around. She saw what she wanted to see. A beautiful girl that she always wanted to be. Moments later she hears the doorbell. "It's open!"
Katelyn walks into the house, she already bought the corsages in advance.
"Aph? Where are ya?"
"I'll be down in a minute! Just make yourself at home until then!"
Katelyn chuckled and sat down on a chair beside the couch. She wondered what Aphmau would think of her outfit. She was a decent amount taller than Aph so she hoped that she would wear heels.
"Don't look just yet!" She heard Aphmau's voice calling from up the stairs. Katelyn chuckled "Okay nerd."
"Okay you can look now!"
Katelyn got up and looked at the stairs. What she saw made her fall in love with the girl even more. Aphmau's jet black hair was curled to the side. Katelyn couldn't help but stare at her beauty.
"Do you like it?"
"I don't like it....I love it!"
Aphmau smiles and walks down the stairs to Katelyn, Katelyn had Aphmau's corsage in her hand. "So, erm, how do I put this on you?" Aphmau chuckled then grabbed Katelyn's hand helping put the corsage around her wrist. "It's beautiful Katelyn. You also look beautiful."
"Is it to much? I didn't know what to wear honestly. "
"You look beautiful. Don't worry." Aphmau smiled at Katelyn when she said that. She meant it. Katelyn looked stunning in her dress. So did Aphmau. Katelyn looked at the time "Aph we have to get going if we want to make it on time!" Katelyn said to Aphmau. She looked at Katelyn took her hand and pulled her out the door to Katelyn's light blue VW Bug she loved that car. Katelyn quickly walked to Aphmau's side of the car and opened the door then said "M'lady. " with a smile plastered across her face. Aphmau curtsied and entered the car Katelyn closing the door behind her. Once they were both in the car Katelyn had her hand on the center console, Aphmau reached over and held her hand to the dance. Katelyn was red the entire time.
[At The Dance]
Katelyn pulled into the parking spot she normally parked at so no one would vandalize her car (A/N *cough cough* Sasha *cough cough*) she stepped out of her car and opened Aphmau's door. Aphmau smiled and looked at Katelyn and her ocean blue eyes. They both smiled and linked arms, they walked into the school together and immediately was greeted by Sasha and her gang. "Well well well, look who we have here? The gay girls of the school."
"What in the hell do you want Sasha?"
"Oh, I just wanted to see what you and Nerdmau were up too."
Katelyn felt Aphmau tense up at that name. She was furious. No one calls her Aphmau a nerd except her.
"Alright Sasha I've had it with you! So I dated you a few years ago! Why won't you leave me the hell alone!?"
"Because you broke me Katie! Three years of dating? Did that not mean anything to you?!"
"You threaten to hurt my volley ball team if I didn't!"
Sasha scoff and turned then walked away, her little gang was behind her. Katelyn rolls her eyes then walks Aphmau out to the main dance hall.
"Are you thirsty? I can go get some punch if you'd like?"
"Yeah! That'd be great!"
Katelyn smiled at Aphmau then walked to go get punch. Aphmau waited for Katelyn to come back with the punch until she saw a guy walking towards her with the top three buttons of his red undershirt unbuttoned.
"Hey, you're Aphmau right?" The guy said in a deep, raspy voice.
"Um, yeah?"
"I'm sorry I forgot to mention who I was! My name is Aaron! I'm a grade above you."
"Oh you're Aaron?!"
"Haha yeah I'm Aaron!"
"Well it's nice to meet you!"
"You too!"
Katelyn walked back to see the two talking. She went bright pink in the face she didn't like the fact that he was talking to her. Katelyn walked toward Aphmau and snaked her hand around her waist
"Oh hey you're that Aaron guy right?"
"Yeah that's me."
"Ah okay cool. "
"Do you have a problem mate?"
"No, I don't."
"Okay. Just making sure. But I should head off."
"Bye Aaron."
"Bye Katelyn."
Katelyn watched Aaron leave and then she looked up at Aphmau.
"Kate? You okay?" Katelyn bit her lip and sighed. "Look, what I'm fixing to do might ruin this but I don't know."
"Katelyn what are y-" Aphmau was cut off by the lips of Katelyn's against hers. To make things better depending on the girl Aphmau's mouth was slightly open. Something shocked Katelyn, Aphmau was backing away. She was actually kissing Katelyn back. She pulled Aphmau closer her hands wrapped around her waist. Suddenly, they heard snaps, pictures. People are taking pictures.


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