His commander answered immediately, What is it?

We have a problem, Sir. Our contact in the Tower dropped out of the Web just moments before a Guardian scanned her. She severed all ties, including the one that let me access Tower security systems.

Kasper, having given quick consideration for their options, demanded, Bring her to the compound tonight. She may have information we can download from her memory.

But isn't that dangerous?

The commander's laugh sent chills coursing through Micah's mind. She is no longer useful to the mission. Bring her in and we'll see what we can salvage.


Noise from the crowd helped lessen the frigid quiet, filling a void in her mind with the inane chatter of bustling holiday shoppers. Rose smiled on seeing Steve, more dishevelled than usual, searching through the crowds wandering around the Mezzanine. Worry etched on his expression warmed her heart. She stood, arm waving to get his attention.

A masculine arm circled her waist from behind, lifting her off her feet, while his other hand covered her mouth to stifle her scream. Rose made a grab for a bench, knowing it was bolted to the floor, and managed to stop her backward momentum enough to jar her assailant and he let her feet touch the floor. The instant she felt solid ground beneath her, she bounced up and threw her head back, smashing the metal claw-grip holding her hair in place into his face. He let go.

Rose took off into the crowd, heading for the most populated area in the food court. Her slight frame and agility allowed her easier passage than her pursuer. Upon seeing the exit sign she was looking for, she rounded the corner and ducked into the ladies toilets instead of taking the exit to the street. She locked the cubicle door and stood on top of the toilet bowl to peer outside through a small, open window.

A Guardian barrelled out the exit door moments later, paused to search up and down the street, then took off towards the city centre. Steve appeared a second later.

"Steve!" Rose called. "Wait there."

He didn't hear her call above the din of city traffic. He ran after the Guardian.

Having rearranged her hair in an attempt to hide the streaks of blood, vibrant against her natural blonde tones, Rose hesitated at the door for the Ladies Room and peeked out through a crack to make sure no other Guardians were near. She spotted Micah heading straight for her.

"There you are!" he said by way of greeting. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

Rose took Micah's hand and pulled him behind a nearby stanchion. "You and half the city's Guardians by the look of it." She hugged him. "What's going on? I thought we'd be safer if I left the Web."

"I don't know. Your sudden disappearance must have raised alarms. You can't stay here." Resting an arm across her shoulder, he gently steered her toward the exit, checking the coast was clear before ushering her along the street in the opposite direction to that of Steve and the Guardian. "Come on, I'll take you to a safehouse while we figure out how they found you so quickly."

"I need to get my purse and few other bits from the apartment..."

"It's too dangerous, Rose," Micah interrupted. "The apartment will be the first place they look. They'll be there waiting for you to show up, and it won't be just one of them because of your tussle earlier."

"You were there? You saw that?"

He shook his head. "Steve told me what happened and where he last saw you."

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