Chapter 46: Boxer Parties

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Friday, January 12, 2018

Draco woke with a smile on his lips, that quickly morphed into a worried grimace as he began to convince himself it had all been a dream. Oh, please let it not have been a dream! He repeated it in his head, like a mantra, while getting ready for the day, worrying at his lower lip with his teeth until it was chapped and ragged - something he'd not done since he was a boy.

He bumped into someone as he left his room, and he apologized reflexively before looking up and into - the blazing green eyes of Harry bloody Potter.

Draco cringed away from the hatred he expected to see in those eyes, and it took him a few seconds to realize that it wasn't there. Harry smiled tentatively and held out his hand. "Malfoy? Are you all right?"

Draco's pulse quickened as he hesitated, then clasped those warm, dry fingers for just a moment in his own. "Yes. Thank you, Potter - Harry?"

Harry's eyes widened a fraction in surprise, and his smile broadened. "If you like. Draco."

They stood there for a moment, staring at one another, with silly little grins. Then Draco shook himself and straightened his robes awkwardly. "Well. Right. Um. I - "

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Are you always this articulate? Come on, Draco. I'm off to breakfast. Walk with me?"

"I, er."

"Oh, come on. You're going there too. Are you really going to insist that we walk on opposite sides of the hall, or behind one another, ignoring each other?

"No," he snorted, "not when you put it that way."

"Good." Harry looked incredibly pleased with himself. "I have a question for you, anyway," he said, as he fell easily into step with Draco's long strides. "We're studying Red Caps today, and I seem to recall you being better than anyone else at defeating them. Willing to share your secrets?"

Draco studied him, trying to figure out what Harry wanted. He'd handled his own Red Cap just fine. "Possibly. What's in it for me?"

Harry flashed him a quicksilver grin. "Hmm. Depends. I've an idea for the play, but I need your help to carry it off."


Sunday, January 21, 2018

"What are we doing here, again?"

Draco shrugged. "Picking up something for the play for the girls. I wasn't really paying much attention. Why?"

Harry scuffed his toe on the ground, not meeting Draco's eye. "Only, the salesgirl keeps giving me funny looks..."

Draco snorted. "She's probably just overawed at meeting a childhood hero and wants your autograph."

"No, something tells me that's not it."

Draco looked curiously at the girl, who was whispering intently to her friend, both of them sneaking glances at them and giggling. Oh. Oh. Merlin.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

"You hold on to that one, dear. He's a keeper!" Draco felt himself flush, and hurriedly paid the shopkeeper, nearly knocking someone over in his rush to get out of the shop.

"Draco?" Harry looked up, startled, as Draco nearly barreled past him.

"Yeah. You got it?"

Harry nodded, looking puzzled.

"Good. Let's get out of here."

"Um, Draco?" Harry asked, as they headed back to the girls' house.

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