Chapter 8: Stalking Me AGAIN, Potter?

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Monday, September 4, 2017

Harry woke early Monday morning – far earlier than he would  normally have woken. It was his first day of class, but that didn't  explain why he was up early. He'd been to enough first days to know that  no one was ever prepared to do any work. All you had to do was show up, and he wasn't about to change that now that he was the professor.

He  pulled his wand from beneath his pillow – a wartime habit he'd not  managed to break - cast a tempus, frowned at the glowing numbers that  floated before his sleep-fogged eyes. He waved his wand again,  dismissing the numbers, and setting an alarm to chime in two hours. That  should give him sufficient time to grab breakfast and get to his first  class. He snuggled back into his surprisingly comfortable bed and closed  his eyes.

Five minutes later, he opened them again. This was  ridiculous. He muttered grumpily to himself as he showered and dressed,  cursing mornings in general and this one in particular as he hopped  around the room, attempting to put on his pants and find a pair of socks  that matched at the same time.

When he'd sorted himself out, he  opened the door and strode into the corridor, only to run smack into  another body. He reached out instinctively, catching hold of the other  person's waist to steady himself.

"Potter," said an imperious  voice he would know anywhere, "kindly remove your hands from my person  before I remove them from your arms."

Harry snorted, even as he  dropped his hands. "Relax, Malfoy. Anyway, I'd think you'd be grateful  to me for keeping us from falling over."

Draco sniffed. "If you'd  just looked where you were going like a normal person, and didn't go  waltzing around like you own the bloody world and expecting everyone to  get out of your way – "

Harry couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. "Funny, Malfoy, but I didn't see you looking where you were going either."

"That's because you weren't looking, as I believe I just said."

"You're  insane, Malfoy. I mean, I suspected as much, when we were in school,  but now I'm sure. You're absolutely off your rocker. We. Bumped. Into.  Each. Other."

"Whatever, Potter. Now, kindly step aside. I have business to attend to before classes start."

Harry rolled his eyes, stepping back with exaggeratedly large steps. "Happy now?"


Draco  strode off, robes flapping about his ankles and pointed chin in the  air. Harry shook his head and fell into step beside him. Draco didn't  say anything else, but his jaw was taut and he pointedly didn't look in  Harry's direction. Their strides matched perfectly, and Harry had to  resist the urge to snort as Draco's face grew more pinched the further  they walked.

When they reached the ground floor, and Harry turned  away from the Great Hall and toward the same corridor Draco was heading  for, Draco spun to face him. "Are you stalking me again, Potter? I can promise you that I'm not sneaking off to do Dark Magic this time."

"I did not stalk – and, anyway, I was right, you know. You were up to something."

"Fine, Potter. You were bloody right. Now will you please stop stalking me and leave me to interrogate Teddy about my son in peace?"

"For the last time! I. Am. Not. Stalking. You! As it happens, I'm going to talk to Teddy about my son. And, 'interrogate'? Really, Malfoy?"

Draco  scowled, raising his hand to rap sharply on Teddy's door. "Whatever,  Potter. I was simply wondering why he didn't seem overly surprised at  how close our sons were, when I, at least, didn't have a bloody clue."

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