Chapter 43: Zabini

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A/N: So, in order to cover what I want to and also (hopefully) wrap things up during October, the next few chapters will be structured as a series of snapshots that take place over several days (or weeks). Pay attention to the dates at the top of each section, and refer to the calendar if you get lost. Please let me know if this is confusing.



Saturday, December 16, 2017

"Harry?" Hermione asked, "What's going on with Draco?"

He reluctantly tore his eyes away from Draco's back. "Damned if I know, 'Mione."

"Well, what happened after we left him to help you back to your room?" Ginny asked. "You seemed to be getting on just fine before that."

Harry closed his eyes, remembering warm hands on his back, gently rubbing soothing circles into his aching muscles.

Then he remembered that haughty voice, dripping with scorn, calling him the 'Savior of the Wizarding World' as if it was the most repulsive thing he could possibly be, and hunched his shoulders, retreating into himself. Those words had hurt more than any of the harsh words they'd traded before. He'd thought they were past all that.

"Nothing." He shrugged, trying for nonchalant. "Where's that script you wanted me to look at, Gin? I'm more tired than I thought - think I'll head back. I'll see you girls later." He faked a yawn and was met with five pairs of disbelieving eyes. Astoria wordlessly handed him the scrip; he nodded his thanks, feet already propelling him toward the door. He felt their eyes on him long after he left. He didn't look back.


Monday, December 18, 2017

"Avoiding him isn't going to make this go away, Harry."

Harry turned slowly in his chair to see Luna perched comfortably on one of the desks. He rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Hullo to you, too, Luna. I don't know what you're talking about. Now, if you don't mind, I'm rather busy today, so -"

"Oh, no. You're not getting out of it that easily." Her face was set in stubborn lines, and Harry sighed.

"Listen, Luna, I appreciate what you guys are trying to do - really, I do - but it isn't going to work. We're just too different."

Luna cocked her head, regarding him steadily. Her quicksilver eyes were impossibly bright. "You're not. He's more like you than either of you realize."

Harry set down the paper he'd been trying to read, massaging his temples wearily. "Luna..."

"You're remarkably stubborn, Harry, but that doesn't mean you're right. Honestly. It's like you didn't even hear the things he told you."

Harry jerked around to face her, knocking the glass tank off the edge of his desk.

Luna caught it with a negligent flick of her wand, setting it neatly back on the desktop, unharmed. Harry breathed a soft sigh of relief. He did not have the patience to deal with an angry grindylow just now. "Thanks."

She nodded, setting the constellation of tiny bells that were woven through her rainbow-streaked hair chiming.

Harry forgot what he'd been going to say. "You've, er, got bells in your hair."


"Bells? Y'know? Small, brass, make noise - y'know what? Never mind. What were you saying about not listening to what he said?"

She frowned at him. "You know, Harry. In the hospital wing. After the duel? He told Astoria that the pain potions made him talk; that he told you every - Oh. You didn't hear, did you?"

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