Chapter 26: Guidelines

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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Harry woke early Saturday morning. He felt the unfamiliar pull of a smile on his lips as he opened his eyes to greet the early morning sun streaming through his small window. He sat up, stretched his arms lazily above his head, stretching sleep-stiffened muscles, rolling out the familiar kinks and twinges, and laced his fingers together, cracking all his knuckles at once. Ginny had always detested that particular habit, but Harry had never quite managed to break himself of it. He shook the memory from his mind - he didn't want to think about Ginny today.

He cast his mind back, sifting through the usual hazy dream fragments, searching for the source of his good mood. And then it hit him. Of course. The duel. It wasn't the opportunity to sling hexes at Draco once more that he was looking forward to - though he could admit that the prospect held a certain appeal. No, he rather thought it was the opportunity to spend time with Draco, tease him, challenge him... perhaps goad him into divulging the hulking secret that clouded the air between them. Harry was sure that if he could just spend enough time with Draco, he'd be able to figure out what it was from the shape of the shadows that it left in Draco's eyes.

But how to get Draco to agree to spending time together? He would need-

Harry grinned as a thought came to him. Yes. That might do it.

With renewed vigor, and a curl of delicious anticipation in his gut that he hadn't felt in years, Harry launched himself out of bed. He washed and shaved with extra care, and spent twice as long as usual in front of the mirror. He drew the line at spending more time than usual on his clothes, though. It's not like it would matter, he reflected with wry amusement. I don't own anything Draco would consider remotely acceptable anyway.

Grinning at the mirror, Harry shot his reflection a quick thumbs-up, then grimaced at his own ridiculousness. He left his rooms with a spring in his step and took the stairs down to the kitchens two at a time.

He saw Draco, already lowering himself into his chair at the Head Table, just as he passed through the doors of the Great Hall. "Malfoy!" he shouted.

Draco looked up, obviously startled. His face twisted into a grimace that Harry hoped was mostly resigned, and not resentful. "Potter," he said slowly, as if the word tasted funny in his mouth, "what do I have to do to get rid of you?"

Harry grinned and tossed him an apple from the covered basket that hung over one arm.

Draco's hand shot out, displaying his still-sharp seeker reflexes as he snagged the apple out of the air. He sat for a long moment just looking at it, brow creased into a puzzled frown. "Potter?" Draco finally asked, "what's this?"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "An apple?"

Draco rolled his eyes. "Potter..."

Harry grinned. He just couldn't help winding Draco up like that. It was so... satisfying. He had to tread carefully, though - he didn't want to annoy Draco too much, since he wanted him to agree to Harry's plan. A quite brilliant plan, if I do say so myself. "Breakfast," he clarified.

Draco didn't look convinced. Harry sighed, holding out his hand. "Just... come on."

Draco didn't move. "Come on, where?"

Harry grabbed Draco's arm and tugged, huffing in annoyance. "Outside. Come on. I figure we need to sort out some guidelines for this duel."

Draco bit his lip. "About that... maybe it's not such a good idea."

Harry pouted. "Aw, come on. You can't tell me you're going to pass up an opportunity to throw hexes at me without getting in trouble?"

Draco smiled - a reluctant smile, to be sure, but a smile all the same. Harry rejoiced internally. "Oh, I don't know," Draco drawled. "Maybe that takes all the fun out of it."

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