Chapter 27: Reluctant Spies

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Hey guys! Sorry for the delay on this one - Mom and Grandma are visiting and my life is a bit more chaotic than usual (and my writing time has been eaten up with other stuff). These next 8 chapters or so are also a chunk that I needed to outline / figure out before I could really write any of them. Hopefully these next chapters will go a bit quicker now that I have a better idea of what's going to happen. :-)

Saturday, October 14, 2017


"Yes!" Tilly said, exasperated, waving her fork in the air for emphasis. Scorpius leaned back as she suddenly jabbed it toward him. "Your dads were here, well actually it was your dad, Scorp, and then your dad," she turned to Al, waving the fork menacingly at him, "yelled at him across the room and tossed an apple at him."

Al gasped in mock horror. "An apple? No!"

Sasha's fork came down suddenly like a judgment from above, stabbing into the table beside Al's hand and then standing there, quivering. Al stared, wide-eyed. "What the hell, Sasha?" he yelped.

She smiled at him - a smile with far too many teeth to be friendly. "Don't say stupid things, and I won't stab you."

"Are... are you serious?"

She raised one shoulder in a languid half shrug, studying her nails - black, today, with tiny silver half-moons. "Shall we find out?"

Scorpius reached out with one finger to still the fork, then moved his hand to cover Al's. "Let's not. You're kinda scary, you know?"

"Mmm. I've been talking to Enid."

Al frowned, looking pointedly up and down the otherwise empty table. "Who the hell is Enid?"

Sasha nodded at a familiar girl straddling a bench at the Slytherin table, a pastry in one hand and a book in the other.

"That's Enid?" Scorpius gasped.

Al looked horrified. "Scary chick is Enid?"

Tilly snorted. "Scary chick?"

Al and Scorpius shared a glance. "You didn't hear her offer her... services as a model," Al said grimly.

Scorpius shuddered. "A nude model."

Tilly frowned thoughtfully over her teacup at Enid, studying her. "Well. She's gorgeous with clothes on. I imagine she'd be even better with them off. Are you going to paint her, then?"

Scorpius spluttered. "Ew," he managed, eventually.

"Ew," Al agreed

Tilly turned her bright eyes back on them, cocking her head and studying them curiously. "Interesting. Don't you agree, Sasha, dear?"

Sasha smirked. "Interesting, indeed."

Ivan cleared his throat, fingers busy shredding his napkin into tiny pieces. "I think we're getting off topic," he said quietly.

Sasha sighed, but Tilly nodded . "You're right," she said, smiling at Ivan, "we are. At this rate we'll never find out what they're up to."

"Why do they have to be up to anything?" Scorpius asked, still off-balance and feeling oddly disgruntled after their earlier conversation.

Tilly smiled mysteriously. "Oh, they are. Why else would Mister Potter have invited Mister Malfoy on a picnic? More importantly, why would he accept?"

Scorpius frowned, but didn't have an answer for that. It didn't sound like something his dad would do.

"OK, fine," Al said. "Let's say you're right. What do you suggest we do about it?"

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