Chapter 2: Granger & Parkinson, Divorce Attorneys Extraordinaire

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Friday, August 4, 2017

"Oh." Ginny Potter stumbled slightly in shock, caught herself on the edge of the front desk. "It's you."

Astoria Malfoy raised one delicate eyebrow, quirked a sly smile. "So it would seem. I take it you and Potter are having marital difficulties as well?"

"Er, not really."

Astoria quirked a brow, tilting her chin toward the shiny brass letters on the wall over the desk: Granger & Parkinson, Divorce Attorneys Extraordinaire.

"Oh." Ginny flushed. "Well, I mean, yes we're getting a divorce. Have gotten one, I suppose – it's all been signed now. But it was more of a mutual decision. We found that we're... not as compatible as we once thought."

"Oh." Astoria smirked at her. "So you're both gay, then."

Ginny blushed furiously. "Shh! We're not – I'm not ready for that to get out, thanks very much."

"Oh, relax. Who's here to find out? The assistant is taking her lunch break, and 'Mione and Pans are no doubt having a quick snog in the back."


"Anyway," Astoria said with a lazy wave of her hand, "Draco and I are splitting for the same reason. We stayed together for political reasons, and for Scorp. But now that he's off to Hogwarts..."

Ginny smiled despite herself. "Yeah. Same here. Lil's mature enough to deal with it, and the other two will be in school most of the year."

"So..." Astoria's voice softened, became almost hesitant. " you have plans for the afternoon?"

"Oh, I, uh, have to pick up Al from the library. Sorry." She was surprised to hear a note of honesty in the apology. From Astoria's face, she'd caught it too, and was just as surprised.

"Scorp's there too – the library, I mean. We could go together? Take them out for ice cream? It would be good for him to make a new friend. He... doesn't have many. I'm a little nervous, honestly, about sending him off alone."

Ginny smiled. "Oh, that sounds lovely. Al's shy too – he doesn't make friends like his brother and sister do. I think... I think it might be good for both of them."

Astoria winked at her. "Of course, it has nothing to do with me wanting to chat with another newly single, interesting – and potentially interested? – lovely woman. Or my ex-husband's eternal crush on yours."

She muttered the last bit, almost to herself, but Ginny heard it anyway. "Oh!" she said, blushing at the insinuation that Astoria wanted to spend time with her. She chose to ignore that part, and focus instead on the intriguing tidbit Astoria had let slip. "You don't mean it's mutual, then?"

Astoria started. "What?"

"Well... Harry's been obsessed with Draco for as long as I've known him. I was hoping he'd grow out of it, but..."

"Well, well. Now that is interesting." Astoria linked her arm through Ginny's, drawing her through the door and into the bright sunlight.


They found their sons in the magical creatures section, huddled together, surrounded by towering piles of books, dark head and light bent close, poring over a thick and dusty tome.

Scorpius looked up first. "Mum! Look what we found in these old journals!" His eyes gleamed with excitement, and Ginny recognized it as the expression she often saw in Al's eyes: the delight of discovery. "It's those creatures Luna told us about – the ones no one's seen in a hundred years!"

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