Part 1

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They've been there throughout our lives. At three, monsters were the fanged, scaly beasts that lurked in the shadows. They'd hide in the closet or under the bed, tormenting you and haunting your dreams. At twelve, monsters became the psychos and serial killers from horror movies, hunting you down to the ends of the earth.

By the time you turn fourteen though, monsters have once again changed. Their forked tongues and animalistic teeth become pearly whites. What once used to be scales or ghastly masks, have now melted into skin. Axes become words or actions as sharp as knives, and those black eyes have been replaced with deceitfully kind ones. The monsters are still real, and more terrifying than ever. The monsters now no longer deem the appearance of monsters.

Just people.

And who's to say that you aren't standing next to one?

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