Just a Crush...

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Chapter 10.

Awkward is the best way to describe it.

I kept shooting glares at Blake as he 'looked' out the window, when he was really avoiding eye contact.

And I'd actually though he had changed? God I'm stupid.

"Babe are you okay? You look somewhat troubled?" Mel said giving me a small smile, I shrugged and stared out the window, she wouldn't press me until we were alone. Which won't happen any time soon, I will make sure of it.

The cab came to a stop and we all bundled out, grabbing our luggage we made our way back into the airport.

"All passengers for flight ZX98TR please make your way to board the aircraft thank you." I handed the slender woman who was evidently oogling Blake, it made me angry how he gave her a gorgeous smile.

He said he liked someone!

Our plane arrangement was the same as the last, but I was so changing that. "Melmel, fancy swapping seats with me, and Blake can swap with Miles?"

"I'd love that babe thanks!" I felt bad that my intentions had nothing to do with her, but it still made her happy so it was a bonus. Blake scowled but obeyed, closing my eyes I slept the whole flight.

And the only person on my mind was Blake, and how he'd nearly kissed me.

And how I wanted him too.

I woke from my strange dreams too Blake shaking me, and the plane empty. "Whaaaa?" I slurred rubbing at my eyes.

"We're in Florida," he smiled, helping me up. "Look Lex, we've got to talk."

I nodded and followed him down the isle and off the plane.

Turns out we're going to Disney World, WIN!

I dumped my bags on the pretty bed layout, and glanced out the balcony window at the theme park. Oh this is going to be fun.

"Hey girls, can I steal Lex?" Blake smiled poking his head through the door, Mel nodded with a stupid smile on her face rolling my eyes I grabbed my purse and followed Blakey out the room.

"So care to explain what the hell you were planning to do earlier?" I said blankly.

"You had something in your eye, I was getting a closer look," he shrugged, I nodded and headed in the opposite direction, I'm honestly thinking now I preferred it when he was cruel.

"HEY!" he shouted jogging over too me, "where are you going?"

"Too do what you generally do at Disney World?"

"Yes well I thought we were doing that together?" he asked flashing me a smile that warmed my insides, I shrugged making sure my cheeks wouldn't betray me.

"If you want,"

"Awesome! Where to first?"

"Log flume!" I grinned, he chuckled and pulled me into the que.

"Omg that was hilarious when you tripped and fell into the water!" I laughed, at a soaking wet Blake, he tripped out the log and head first into the water it was the funniest thing.

"Shut up!" he grumbled his lips turning up slightly, yeah he knew it was hilarious.

"So fancy telling me about this girl you have a crush on?" I smiled plopping more candy into my mouth.

"Well she sort of hated me, thats all i'm saying," I smirked, god when you first get to know him no wonder.

"Awh you can't leave me hanging here!"

"She's beautiful," he smiled giving me a sideways glance, rolling my eyes I motioned with my hands for him to carry on.

"I'm not spilling anymore so forget it!" I smirked and threw candy at his head, trying to ignore the sliver of jealousy. 

Jealousy oh dear lord.

"Well I'm going back to the hotel, I want to hang with Mel, see you!" I said walking away from him quickly.

"Bye Lex," he called out, I didn't glance back I didn't want him to see the jealousy in my eyes. 

Oh please say this is not what I think it is...

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