Just a Crush...

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chapter 9.

I stared at my suitcase. 

No let me re-phrase that.

I stared at mr. evil suitcase. I could imagine that song I dunno what it's called but when they're in the middle of a desert and they're cowboys about to kill each other? Well anyway, that's what it was like.

Me against mr. evil.


Obviously not in a desert.. but still... alone. 

I had tried a variety of things to make it shut, but I couldn't move the zip even a little.  

I glanced around and took a running stance, I was going to sit on this bitch. I started running when a voice interrupted me loosing focus  and face planting the floor. 

"SHIT LEX!" I felt Blake's arms wrap around me and pull me up, his eyes widened at the sight. I could all ready feel the blood flow from my nose trickling down my face. Blake touched my nose gently.

"OWWW FUCK OFF!" I shrieked, shrinking back from him to protect my nose. My poor poor nose.

Honestly I can't decide wether to blame, Blakey or mr. evil.

"C'mon we gotta go get your nose checked out," he said jogging into the bathroom, he came back out with a arm full of tissue. He bundeled it all up and pressed it gently to my nostrils rolling my eyes I followed him out the hotel room.  

"This is your fault Blakey." I stated angrily, while the hotel person or something looked up my nose. So awkward. Totally hoping I have no bogies.

"How?" he snorted leaning against the wall with an small smile playing on his perfect lips.

Omg did I seriously just think his lips were... PERFECT.

Ew. I must've hit my nose pretty hard.

"I was about to tackle mr. evil and you made me loose my control and I face planted the floor!"

"Who's mr. evil," he chuckled, I felt the blush spread over my cheeks. Crap.

"My suitcase... he wouldn't zip up!" I huffed sadly, I still had to try close the stupid thing!

"You're so weird,"

"Shut it, blankey boy!" I smirked before he could say anything the doctor or something came back into the room.

"Nothing's broken just a bash, it may bruise. But otherwise it'll be fine in a couple of days," I smiled gratefully, no way in hell was I wearing a nose cast. I didn't ever know if that was real. But the thought was actually scary.  

 "Awesome, thanks!" I smiled hoping off the table I was sat on I followed Blakey out the room and back up to our own.

"So why did you want me anyways?" I said sitting on mr. evil and attempting to do the zip up, he smirked and pushed me off mr. evil. "What the fuck was that for!" I moaned rubbing my poor butt.

He zipped mr. evil up, his arm muscles didn't even have to bulge or whatever, damn this boys fit.

Not fit like hot fit, like strong fit... gah of course he's hot-fit.

"That was a piece of cake you weakling!" he smirked putting his hand out to pull me up, god he is stupid sometimes! I took it, giving him a grateful smile before pulling him down, he landed right on top of me giving me the bulk of his weight.

"FUCK!" I cried, now my butt really does hurt! Looking up a Blake I caught his eye his usual smirk was replaced with a small smile. 

His hot breath hit my face and he started to edge closer to my face, I watched him carefully trying not to move he suddenly stopped inches away from my lips, my breathing hitched and I stared up at him wide eyed.

His eyes wandered down to my lips and then- "BLAKE, LEXI YOU READY?" Mel's voice startled us and Blake jumped off me grabbing our suitcases he left. Leaving me on my ass, with my mouth hanging open.

Did he just pull a move... on ME? 

And I nearly let him get away with it! 

What's wrong with me!

What's wrong with him! 

The retched bastard he told me he liked or found someone!

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