Just a Crush...

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Chapter 8.

"I'll have the tarragon chicken please," I smiled giving the waiter back the menu, but I completely stopped when I noticed who it was. "Kaylem!"

"Hey, it's nice to see you again not drunk," he chuckled, collecting all the menu's.

"Lexi you made a friend?" my mum asked grinning like some sort of fool.

"Uh yeah, this is Kaylem everybody. We better let him go back to work though, nice to see you again," I blushed, my family could be so embarrassing.

"You too and nice to meet you all," he smiled walking away, rolling my eyes I turned to face everyone they all had stupid grins.


"Heeee liiiiiikes yooooou!" Mel sung bumping my arm with her own, everyone laughed except Blake he had a thin line set on his lips and a steady glare at me.

"Hardly, Blake scared him away," I whispered loud enough only for her ears though, she gave me a frown.

"How so?"

"He just started with this big mucho act saying I think it was I'm off the market and stuff," I whispered sneeking a look at Blake who was now talking to Miles discreetly.


"Okay? Is that all you have to say!" she nodded and started texting, what the hell! Usually she'd be telling me a evil pan to get back at him but no I get an 'okay' whats happened to her?!

I think it's Miles getting to her head.

"Maybe you should get his number," Mel's mum Sharron said giving me a wink.

I waved my hands at them trying to think.

Jackson, cheating, lessons taught.

Blake beat up Jackson for me, and I totally forgot.

I don't really know why this memory decided to resurface now, but I couldn't help but want to hug Blake for what he did, it was so sweet.

"-rragon chicken for the lady," I looked to find Kaylem placing a plate off food in front of me.

"Thanks," I smiled he grinned and turned to walk away but he knocked my napkin off the table. Swiftly he picked it up and handed it back to me, with a piece of paper in it with his number on.

"Jesus he could have been more discreet about it," Blake mumbled as he tucked into his lasange everyone chuckled and dug into their meals.

"Damn I'm so tired," I muttered walking out the bathroom, with my onesie on and my dress in hand. Blake was already tucked in bed listening to his iPod, "BLAKE!"

He looked angry but he still took his ear-phones out, "Yes?"

"Thank you!" I grinned jumping onto his bed I wrapped my arms around him, he didn't try to push me away or struggle against me. Blake wrapped his arms around my waist like he used too and nestled his head into my neck.

"What for?" he mumbled into my neck.

"You beat up Jackson for me,"

"Wait how do you know about that?"

"You told me when we were drunk," he laughed a little and his hot breath fanned my neck.

"Of course I did," he sounded as if he was talking to himself more than me, but nevertheless he didn't deny it.

"Why'd you do it?" yeah okay maybe I was pushing it for answers but i'm still going to try my chances, I never know he could be feelings generous.

"Go to bed,"

"Your comfy,"

"Do you remember when we watched Silent Hill? You got so freaked out after you had a nightmare?" I nodded flinching at the memory, I hate scary movies they're officially the stupidist thing in the world. "And do you remember the first thing you did? You came running into my room and jumped under the covers with me. You let me hold you," he whispered, I do remember that very well. The first night I slept with Blake was the last night he was himself it had been the night before we started high school.

"The night before you changed,"

"Mhmm, I know."

"Why don't you like Kaylem?" I slurred my eyes drooped and I snuggled into Blake's chest, he was so comfy I felt the covers being pulled around my shoulders and Blake took a deep breath.

I could only faintly hear him, I was just falling asleep when he finally decided to answer.

"He's trying to take whats mine."

I woke in Blake's arms and his feint snoring filled the silence of the room. I carefully edged away from him trying not to wake him, he looked so peaceful when he slept and cute you couldn't say he wasn't cute he had this sort of pout going on which made him look slightly vunerable.

Shouldn't I be getting up? Not assessing Blake's pretty features.

I got up, reluctantly and went straight to the bathroom. God I needed to pee.

"Lex?" Blake moaned, rolling over as I walked back into the room, he opened one eye and a grin stretched across his dried drool lips. Phaa yeah he drooled, it was kind of adorable in some ways, but in someways it was completely gross.

"Blakey, you got a bit off ur," I scratched the corner of my mouth mimicking my actions his face turned into horror. I discreetly held my laughter at bay but I couldn't help how my body was jolting from the violent laugh's I was trying to keep in.

"Well that's not embarrassing," he groaned giving me a sheepish smile, his cheeks looked redder than a tomato which made him look really cute.

Jeeesh mind what's up with the cute thoughts?

Damn did I seriously just speak to my mind?

Official crazyness is taking over.

"Lex?" Blake's confused voice said as he pinched my arm, I squeaked and jumped back.

"What the hell was that for!"

"You zoned out," he said smiling gently, I chuckled and sat on the edge of his messy bed.

"Sorry about falling asleep on you, you are too comfy for your own good," I mumbled, so much for hating being in his very presence. I was enjoying it again. Falling for his most likely fake act on being like he used too.

"Your welcome?" he grinned, suddenly the door burst open and an exciting Mel walked through.

"Finally you two have done with snuggling, get up and dressed. Also pack, we have a fight in five hours," she bounced.

"HEY where are we going?"

"Your mum said it's a surprise!" she giggled, I looked up at Blake who looked as confused as me.

Packing it is then.

Just a Crush...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें