Just a Crush...

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Chapter 4.

I felt my hand breaking beneath Mel’s grip, we were taking off, and she was bricking it. As soon as the planes wheels got off the earth, she squealed and buried her head in my shoulder and her hands tightly wrapped around mine. “Mel we’re flying,” I whispered she lifted her head and looked out the window, her face brightened, her grip left my hand as she pressed herself against the window. Mel had flown before as had I, she just didn’t take it as well. I sighed and flexed my crumpled fingers, being the unfortunate soul I was I was forced to sit in between Blake and Mel due to their rows. So in the end after a long discussion and holding up the whole plane the row went like this; Mel next to the window, me to her right, then Blake and then Miles, the parent’s sat a row behind us. The flight would take around eight hours so I had a lot of time to kill. Mel and me both had iPods, so for the whole flight I was blasting tunes out while Blake and Miles, watched movies and listened to music too.

The flight was great, me and Blake ignored each other the whole time, it was like a piece of heaven.

Since the USA had a different time zone to us the parents had forced us to sleep after four hours into the flight. Everyone else had thought of the same thing as the cabin lights went off and the seats retracted, the flight attendants gave us blankets and a pillow each. I laid down and tucked myself in trying to ignore Blake’s heavy hot breaths on my neck, did I mention Blake was really buff? So yeah he was covered in a ton of muscle which meant he was pretty huge not fat ways but big sexy buff guy huge. “Would you stop breathing down my neck!” I hissed scooting closer Mel’s sleeping body.

“Hmm, sorwey,” he mumbled half asleep. Soon enough his breaths were on my shoulder, I shivered and pulled the blanket over my head. Finally I could sleep in peace.


As per usual in an airport it was freaking packed and in an American one it seemed to be much worse than the English. We were waiting at the luggage claim, me and Blake only everyone else had got there bags and had headed to the cabs. Finally my dark blue big suitcase came around I rushed over to it and tried to haul it off, it was too heavy I should have learned from the falling down the stairs incident. I looked over at Blake who was smirking I rolled my eyes and mouthed ‘please’ to him. He came over and got my suitcase.

“I’ll only give you your suitcase back when you say ‘Blake you are my prince charming’” He might as well know my views on that particular subject I gave him a shake of my head and sad smile.

“You haven’t been him for three years Blake,” I grabbed my suitcase and walked out the hall leaving Blake gaping after me, I don’t think he remembered that summer, why would he?

I found the parents, Mel and Miles getting into a cab, Blake was just behind me so we threw our suitcases in the boot, and yes I threw my own suitcase in without any help and got into the cab.

The drive to Cape Elizabeth wasn’t too long, well I didn’t really notice since I fell asleep on the way there. We were staying at an Inn by the sea, where there was apparently a ton of things to do. I got Miles to pull my luggage out the boot as Blake was giving me the cold shoulder which I didn’t exactly know why but whatever it was nice. We had got two rooms each had three double beds in. So the parents shared one and us kids shared the other, one of us however was going to have to share.

“Okay guys I said we draw names outta a hat,” I said dragging my suitcase with both of my hands into the room, I huffed and it dropped to the floor.

“Mm or two of us could just pair up?” Mel said excitedly, I knew she’d grab the chance and pair up with Miles then I knew she’d take the bedroom with the one queen sized and me and Blakey would have to share a room.

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