Just a Crush...

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Chapter 5.

“You’re a good guy to do that. You knew you’d cheat so you instantly broke it off, that’s different of you,” I smiled.

“No, I wouldn’t cheat I just don’t love her,” he shrugged, Blake loving someone right okay then.

“Sure, anyway I must be going later’s Blakey,” I said getting up I walked away from him back to the Inn. He’s gotta be changing, something is changing him. I still can’t be sure though, ugh anyway thoughts off Blake, back to Mel and Miles. I had seen a sign for a bonfire on the beach and a party which meant drinking! I walked into the bedroom, and gagged as I caught them making out again.

“Ew, guys at least keep it in the bedroom kay?” Mel fell of the sofa at my voice, which made everyone laugh. “Anyway, bonfire and party on the beach tonight! You up for it?” Mel got up and smiled.

“Of course!”

“Sure!” Miles said pulling Mel back onto his lap, I smiled.

“Miles, you may be my bro, but I swear to God I will kick you tiny butt if you do so much as to make her frown, got it?” I smiled sweetly, he rolled his eyes.

“I won’t ever hurt her Lexi,” I nodded and wandered into my and Blakeys room to find an outfit for the bonfire.

After hours of deciding between two dresses, which were exactly the same just in different colours I chose the blue. The dress was strapless and ruffled coming to just under mid-thigh. I heard Blakey come into the room, so I dashed out the bathroom to get his opinion, not that it mattered of course.

“What do you think?” I said giving him a twirl in my silver flip-flops since I couldn’t wear heels on the beach.

“No, it’s wrong,” he muttered, picking the other colour up he smiled, “this colour Lex.”

“What ever happened to ‘yeah you look banging or hot, now it’s no you should wear this and that,” I said grabbing the red dress of him I stalked into the bathroom to change. He was right though, the red made the darkness of my hair stand out and the almost translucent grey bluey’ colour of my eyes seem brighter.

“Much better,” he smiled looking me over.

“Did you just check me out?” I smirked, he returned my smirk.

“Who knows,” I rolled my eyes and briefly looked at him. He was wearing cargo pants and a tight polo which showed off his biceps. We both stepped out the room with the greeting of Mel and Miles kissing once again. “Seriously?” Blakey moaned grabbing my forearm he dragged me out the room. “That’s going to take a lot of time to get used to.”

“I know, but there happy, so we’re happy kay?”

“Fine, you wanna go down?” I nodded and we walked down to the beach silently. The party was already wild and the bonfire was blazing, we walked through the masses of people to the bar. Blakey ordered surprisingly he knew my favourite drink, he handed it to me and I gulped it down.

“Slow down there miss,” a voice said from behind me and Blake we both spun round to see a blonde guy with surfer hair and a great tan. All I could do was giggle. “What’s your name m’lovely?” I giggled again, what the hell this drink must be strong.

“Alexis, but you can call me Lexi,” I smiled as he took my hand and pressed a kiss to it.

“English I see, beautiful specimen,” I head Blake snort, “sorry is this, your girl?” the guy asked Blake worriedly. This boy may be hot, but he couldn’t beat Blake.

Blake looked as if he was studying the guy before saying, “Yeah she’s off the market,” I sent him a devious look and shook my head.

“He’s kidding, now what’s your name?” I asked moving closer to the boy.

“Kaylem, I-er should er be going then er nice to meet you, cya!” he stuttered running off, I turned around to look at a brooding Blake.

“Why? We hate each other!” I asked confused, he gave me a look which I couldn’t decipher.

“Because he’s a player, you’d get hurt,”

“Says you!” I said poking my finger into his hard chest, he caught my wrist and pulled me closer our bodies almost touching.

“I’m not that sort of guy,” he growled.

“No you weren’t until you met that stupid bitch Chelsea who changed you!” I hissed, his grip tightened and pain shot up my arm. “Ouch Blake you’re hurting me,” his hold instantly retracted.

“Sorry, I just don’t want to see you hurt. Is that so bad?” he sighed, I shrugged it was weird.

“Whatever, buy me another drink,” I ordered, he laughed and we headed back to the bar.

After twenty minutes of drinking pure shots, I was pretty hammered and so was Blake. I don’t even know how we managed to stand each other for that long. We were dancing but then Blake dragged me over to the beach and we walked along it stumbling. Blake’s arm snaked around my waist to stop me from falling. “Do you remember that summer?” I asked stopping, he look at me with a pained expression.

“I remember every second I’ve ever had with you Lex, you should know that,”

“Do you remember the promise?” he nodded again with the same pained expression. “Why weren’t you here when Jackson cheated then!” I cried, he looked down at his shoes.

“I was, I just didn’t tell you,”


“I’m not proud of what I did, but he made me so angry for what he did to you, so I taught him a lesson. He took it pretty well…”

“You beat him up!” he nodded sheepishly. Truly it was the sweetest thing a guy had ever done for me and it was coming from my enemy.


“Because you deserve betteeeer,” he slurred, well that was the end of our heart to heart.

“C’mon let’s get you back to the room,” maybe I should get this guy drunk more often, I preferred this Blake, the old one, the one I loved so much. 

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