"This dress is pretty comfortable, why haven't you worn it for me before?" He asked as he looked in the mirror.

"I haven't had the chance to go anywhere that I could wear it yet." I said.

"Unzip me" he turned around.

I walked towards him and began unzipping the dress. "When you put this dress on, I wanna zip and unzip it for you" he turned around to face me and kissed me.

I smiled and kissed him back. "For what? I don't zip and unzip it, I just put it on."

"When I zip it up I'll kiss right here...." He kissed a spot on my neck.

My heart skipped a beat.

"Then when I unzip it I'll kiss here..." He kissed my shoulder.

I shuttered. "You give me the chills"

"In a good way?" He smiled.

I nodded.

He kissed me slowly. "One last thing babe...."


"Help me take this off. It's stuck" he struggled.

I giggled. "Okay hold still."

I carefully tugged the dress upwards. "Okay put your arms up." I said. "But hold still"

He did as I said and then the dress slipped off. He put his hands on my waist.

"Thank you" he licked his bottom lip.

Oh gosh....he's shirtless. I wanted to touch so bad, his name should be changed to temptation. He probably had this planned. Aish. He's so....I had to look away.

"Babe...." He sat on the bed. His hands still on my waist.

"Yeah?" I looked at him.

"Kiss me" he said.

I felt like my heart rate increasing, I felt like I couldn't breathe. I let the dress fall on the floor and caressed his face with my hands, I leaned close to him and kissed him. He leaned back and I leaned forward. We kept our lips locked, I felt his hands rub my back. I bit his lip and smiled. I didn't realize he was laying on the bed, I was right on top of him. How'd we get in this position? I was so indulged in the moment. He turned my face to him and he kissed me again. His lips enslaved me, I was a prisoner of his love.

"Can I leave a mark on you?" He whispered.

"Where?" I asked.

"Here...." He kissed my shoulder.

"Only if I can leave one on you" I smiled.

He smiled and kissed me. "Deal, you first" he touched my face.

I kissed him softly and for the first time, kissed his neck. I could feel his pulse, fast. His body heat rose a little. I bit his neck softly. He chuckled. I made my mark near his chest, a few inches below his collar bone.

"Guess I'll be wearing hoodies for a while" he smiled.

I smiled back. "Ha-ha~"

"Oh yeah?" He turned over so that he was on top and I on the bottom.

He kissed me passionately without letting me even catch a breath before he pressed his lips on mine. He held my hands down and smirked.

"You better not" I said.

"You'll be wearing scarves" he chuckled and kissed my neck.

"I don't own any scarves....quit!" I giggled.

Unexpected Roommate (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now