; moments too late [thor]

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                                   m   o   m   e   n   t   s     t   o   o     l   a   t   e 

                                               [  r  o  u  n  d    t  h  r  e  e  ]


She danced among the flowers that grew where the edge of the snow met the cold rock of the mountain. It was a dangerous little dance and its song was long lost within the many ridges and valleys. But yet Irel, with her eyes shining bright, danced along to rhythms forgotten.

Somewhere below her, down the steep path which she had climbed up minutes ago, there would be a small town, and there, her family would lie in wait of her return, so they could dine. Little did any of them know that they would wait longer than ever before.

Had she turned her eyes upward, she would have seen the night had already fallen. The slight shift in the light would have warned her to begin her return trip. Had she turned her eyes upward, she would have seen the intruder before she spotted the shadow that crossed her own.

As it was, she was moments too late. She could have darted just out of reach and nimbly made her way down the slope in the way no one else could. But once a strong hand grabbed her from behind and another covered her mouth, there was no hope for her.

Still, she gave the loudest scream she could, but the sound was muffled by the hand covering her lips. And still she kicked out behind her and stuggled with her captor, but the frame of the intruder was much more built than her own frail one.

She paid the uselessness of her actions no mind, and continued repeating them. Irel was determined to break free of the strong hold on her, and return back home.

She just had to get free, and this entire thing would just be a nightmare.

Kick, scream, struggle. Kick, scream, struggle.

Her seidhr remained just out of reach, and she realised how truly her situation was absolutely hopeless. The young maiden began to despair, no longer certain of her fate.

Kick, scream, struggle--

But when a flash of light enveloped both herself and the faceless attacker she stopped. Considerably weaker than her oponent already, she could not fight without a ground to stand on, and all too suddenly, the ground beneath her feet had disappeared.

The dizzying sensation nearly took over her mind, but she refused to let her eyes remain closed more than a single moment. But even once her feet were back on solid ground, it was difficult to steady herself. If her kidnapper had meant to disorient her, they had certainly succeeded. 

She attempted to take in as many sights as she could, hoping that if she recollected the road, she could recollect it looking back. But her vision is still quite blurry, and what images she can make out, look nothing like Alfheim.

Fear struck her core, not panic as she experienced earlier, but pure, honest fear. Yet she could do nothing but be shoved along a path she did not recognize. All fighting was useless, she could see that now.

Perhaps, if she could not evade capture, there could still be hope for her escape.

                                           •     •     •     •     •     •     •     •     •

A pair of strong hands shoved her forward, and this time she fell to her knees. Her skin scraped slightly against the floor, and she cried out at the brief burning sensation. The sound of footsteps echoing away decreed that her captor was not too worried about her well-being.

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