; barely breathing [sherlock]

8 1 0

John hardly had time to blink before he was shoved into the room, let alone fight back. He had been plainning to make up for the lost time by pulling out his gun and firing two rounds on the lock, but the weapon was no longer with him.

He slammed his fists on the doors instead, trying to het the heavy metal door to at least move a bit. But all he got was a stab of pain shooting though his hand and up his arm. He cursed and pulled his hands back. Perhaps his strength was not what it had once been but he wasn't by any means weak. Either way, that door was not going to budge.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, I managed to dislocate my shoulder before I realized it wouldn't work," a voice rasped from behind him.

John whipped his head around to see that the room was not entirely unoccupied. A woman lay in the corner of it, her body parallel to the floor, but her head angled up so she could see him. As she slowly rose up, a look of despair crossed her face as her eyes took in his features.

A look of sympathy animated his own as he took in her state. She hadn't been lying about the shoulder; her left arm fell limply in an awkward angle. The rest of her was in a hell of a state too. Posture hunched over, hair messy and wild with dark circles about her eyes from her obvious lack of sleeping. Clearly, it was not her first night here, and that realization put John to further unease.

a/n: I was originally writing this entry for the same challenge as the short story before this one, but I ended up choosing to proceed with the other one (moments too late) instead. Reasons? Well, I can't really remember at the moment, but I'm sure I had a few good ones. I can't really remember where I'd intended to go with this story, but I thought I might post it anyway. It isn't going to do much good in my drafts folder, anyway. If anyone has an idea for where this story might go, feel free to give me suggestions. I'd love to continue on with all of these entries, I just can't really remember what I'd originally thought to do xP

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 16, 2014 ⏰

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