Chapter One

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                I screamed and hit the horn as I awoke in a cold sweat. “Dammit Jack” I cursed to myself. It was just a dream. A dream that had has haunted me for nine years. Nine years in this apocalyptic hell I. I had to scavenge for tools, weapons, places to sleep, and most of all, edible food. All while avoiding the “things” that had taken my father from me.

                I hadn’t known what they were nine years ago, but I know them all too well now. I call them Rotter's, due to the fact that they are all rotting. Every day was the same routine; wake up from that damned dream, remember where I am, get up, eat, grab my pack and move out of the place I stayed for the night. My house last night was an old Ferrari.  When I saw it yesterday I knew that I had to sleep in it. It wasn’t comfortable, but I didn’t care, I slept in a freakin Ferrari.

                I noticed movement outside the sports car as I sat up. “Shit” I said to myself as the Rotter's filled up the lot. I rolled over to the passenger’s seat to slip out that door, but was stopped by a concrete slab. “Dammit all” I yelled in frustration. I rolled back to the driver’s seat. I franticly searched for the key. I flipped the visor down only to find sunglasses and a photo of a man and a woman standing in front of a beautiful sunset. The man was taller than the woman by good two or three inches.

                I could tell by his rugged face that he had been through a lot, but his smile told me that he was happy. The woman was very beautiful. She had long black hair that reflected the sunset. She too was smiling. In the background the water was cascading over the shore. “Focus” I told myself. I looked down to see if the key was behind the pedals. As my head passed the ignition, I saw that the key was already in it. “Stupid, stupid, stupid” I said to no one. I turned the key and the engine roared to life. I hit the clutch and shifted into first.

                I hit the gas and the car lurched forward. As I shot forward, I plowed through the small hoard of Rotter's. Through the glass I could hear the hungry moans of the dead. As I continued to run them over, I noticed something odd. The Rotter's at the back of the hoard were already dropping. Then I realized that someone was shooting them. I tried looking ahead to find the shooter.

                As I scanned for the source of the bullets, I realized that I was heading straight for a concrete pillar. It was too late to stop or to turn so I braced myself. I realized I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt right before I hit the pillar. I crashed head on with the pillar. I shot through the shattered window.

                As I passed the pillar my shoulder collided with it. The pain felt like I had had a standoff with a train, and lost. The ground came quick after the pain. Then more pain as I landed and my face was grated against the gravel. I rolled onto my back to face what I knew was coming.

                My vision was darkening as I saw a figure approaching. “This is it. All this time and I get done in because of a freakin car crash” I thought to myself as I began to black out. Right before I lost consciousness, I saw the figure bend over me. “No” I tried to say, but I blacked out before I could.

''Authors note: This chapters a little short, but i thought it was a great place to leave off. Tell me what you think.

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