Natsu x reader

577 8 3

Your POV


You ran through the halls of the dungeon...
You entered the room you stayed in with your friends until they were killed...
She was here..
She was back...
For who?
For you...
You sighed and went to shower...
The lights flickered leaving you in darkness...
"I'm back little halo...."
She is here...

Dream end...

You woke up screaming...
Juvia went to your door and passed through it..
"(Y/n)-san! (Y/n)-san are you alright?"
"S-she's.....She is back..."
Juvia was one of the kids who stayed with you in the dungeon...
Juvia escaped while you fought for your life...
"No.....(y/n)-san she can't be back..."
"She is..."
The ghost that haunted your dreams..
Was not a ghost at all...
It was Her...
She was back...
You sobbed into Juvia's shoulder as she cried...
"(Y/n) have to learn the spell....Juvia can't do have to do it (y/n)-san..."
You cried knowing the spell will reset your memories...
Restart your life...
Never to know what happened before that time...
"Juvia....Give me the book..."
She grabbed the book and gave it to you...
"Good Luck (y/n)-san..."
You could hear Her say to you...
'You are never going to succeed...'
You gave Juvia a reassuring smile and she left...
A cloud appeared in front of you...
"What do you want..."
She was here you could feel it...
'Nothing little halo....just your death...'
She cackled...
What was Her name?
It was Shea...
Your older sister..
Corrupted by darkness...
"Leave me alone Shea..."
She cackled again...
And left....
You cried again knowing you would never remember your friends again...
You recited the spell in your head...
'Combination of life and death: Rose of the Angels'
A small, white rose appeared in front of you..
"No I won't use it yet..."
The rose disappeared..
You finally fell asleep...

The next morning

You went to the restroom and took a shower...
The lights flickered violently..
'I'm back...'
You screamed and fell to the ground...
What power did she use?
All those things she could use...
Though she could never track natural death and pain...
She could create pain and cause death...
The door opened and Juvia picked you up and dragged you out of a dark cloud...
You looked at her with fear in your eyes...
"It's okay (y/n)-san....get dressed then we'll go..."
You nodded and got dressed...
"Yeah...L-let's go.."
You remembered all your friends at that moment...
They were all going to disappear from your memory...
'I will not fail...'
Everyday after missions you practiced the spell...
Until the day came...
Screams were heard from the guildhall....
You screamed..
Natsu ran to you...
"Don't..(Y/n) you can't"
He knew what happened and what will happen...
You gave him a loving kiss...
"I have to...."
Tears fell from his eyes...
"I love you (y/n)..."
You ran to the guildhall...
"Shea stop!"
She cackled holding a limp Juvia in her hands...
"Oops...I might have killed Juvia..."
'PureGem form'
You transformed and she laughed...
"Does little halo think she can defeat me?"
"Don't try me..."
You held Juvia...
"Heaven's life Revive.."
She woke up and you smiled...
"Yes Shea I do think I can defeat you.."
She growled...
"Run Juvia...Run..."
Gray took Juvia's arm and they ran out the guild...

Juvia POV

"No! (Y/n)-san! No!"
Tears fell from my eyes as I fell to my knees...
Gray held me...
"Shh....Juvia it's gonna be alright..(Y/n) will be alright..."
More tears fell
"No! I k-know the spell I-i need to help (y/n)..."
I ran to the guild...

Your POV

"Heaven's healing love!"
A heart shaped beam of light hit Shea...
She chuckled...
"Weak attempt..."
She smiled insanely and attacked you...
Juvia appeared next to you right when you were saying the attack...
"Unison raid (y/n)-san.."
You took her hand...
"Combination of life and death: Rose of the Water Angel and Light Angel!"
A Blue rose and a White rose appeared...
They spiraled and dug deep into where Shea's heart was...
She shrieked as she dissipated into nothing...
You were losing consciousness..
Juvia was close to falling..
"I'm sorry Juvia..."
She looked at you confused..
"Angel's Sacrifice..."
A dim glow went to Juvia as you closed your eyes...
'Goodbye Fairy Tail...Arigatou Juvia'
You fainted as Juvia caught you...

Juvia POV

"No (y/n)-san!"
She fainted and I barely caught her as everyone came walking in...
Natsu looked at her with tears...
"No it can't be... (Y/n) can't be gone!"
I looked at him sadly as (y/n) slowly regained consciousness...
She groaned in pain as she opened her eyes...
"W-where am I?"
Natsu held her as she slipped in and out of consciousness...

Natsu POV

I held her tight as she slipped out of consciousness..
She slowly said my name...
'What? How?'
She held my cheek...
"I'm not gone Natsu..I won't ever leave you..."
She smiled softly..
She grabbed my cheeks and kissed me softly...
"Alive and well..."
She chuckled as I smiled at her...
Everyone was happy she was alive...
Frosch walked in and cried...

Your POV

"Fro? How did you get here?"
Fro stared at you teary eyed..
"Fro saw the attack and I saw you run in and-and..."
You held him tightly
"It's ok Fro..."
Rogue, Sting, and Lector walked in...
They all looked at me and smiled a bit, except for Rogue...
You went up and gave all of them a hug, even Rogue...
(God damn Rogue, you so cold-hearted...)
You chuckled as Natsu held you..
"I love you so much baka, never do that to me again.."
You chuckled...
"I love you too, and I am not a baka!"
Gajeel walked up..
"Sure keep saying that..."
You glared at him..
'Inflict physical pain: Blade in leg...'
Gajeel felt a pain in his leg like a blade plunged into his thigh...
"I have powers like my sister too Gajeel! Don't underestimate me!"
He stepped back...
"Fucking coward..."
You stood up..
"Power of the Demon! Devil's Fury!"
You transformed in a split-second and attacked...
A spiral of a dark-substance hit Gajeel and he fell to the floor..
Levy looked at you in shock...
"He's fine..."
A ringing sound was heard throughout the guildhall...
"What the.."
You could hear Rogue say...
Laughing was heard...
"She is not gone.."
Shea appeared in a human-like form...
"Hello little halo.."
" wonder I remembered..."
"Yes, little halo, that is true..."
She grabbed your arm..
She walked around the guild...
Taking control of everyones' minds...
Their eyes were pitch black..
"Leave Shea..."
"I'm afraid I can't do that Little Halo..."
Levy grabbed your arms as Natsu held you in place...
"Leave me alone Shea!"
She laughed
"Aw..does little halo think she can stop me?"
A voice was heard in your head...
'(Y/n)...Don't listen to her...'
It was your mother...
'Little Angel you are so powerful, don't let her take that away from you...'
"Leave Shea! LEAVE!"
She smiled
You broke out of Levy and Natsu's grasp as you were blocked by guildmates...
'Supreme Angel Form'
"Pharaoh's Serpent!"
A golden serpent appeared and wiped out the first row...
"Let me rephrase this Shea..."
She looked at you..
"Leave or get your ass kicked.."
She chuckled..
"Try me.."
You raised your staff..
"Angel's Rose: Thorn bush!"
A thorn bush surrounded your guildmates as the thorns cut their skin making a path in the middle for you...
"Combination of life and death: Rose of the Angels!"
A rose appeared hitting Shea...
Roses continued to strike Shea as she was bathed in light and disappeared into dust...
You held your head as memories started to fade...
Everyone was starting to wake up...
You looked at them, not remembering a single name...
"(Y/n)! (Y/n) are you alright?!"
A blue-haired girl said...
You looked at her blankly...
A pink-haired boy held you...
"(Y/n)! Goodness baka! You worry me!"
You stared at them...
"Um..who are you?"
They looked shocked...
The blue-haired one started crying...
"No! She couldn't have done it! She didn't!"
A white-haired girl stood next to her...
They looked at you sadly...
You looked down on your body to find a guild mark on your arm...
"Fair- Fairy Tail..."
They looked at you...
"Y-you know the name of the guild?!"
Memories flashed as your head started to ache...
You cried out in pain...
He ran to you, holding you to comfort you...
Fro went to you...
"Hi (y/n) do you remember us?"
You looked at him and Lector...
And smiled softly...
"I do remember.."

Sorry if I took like 1,000,000,000 years to update...
Hope you enjoyed!

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