Natsu x (sick) reader

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Your POV

You wake up to a gloomy day...
Its was raining..
'Really Gray you just had to piss of your girlfriend'
You get dressed into a black halter top ,some denim shorts, and a pair of white high-tops...your wings just don't want to work on you so you have to walk to the guild hall in the rain...
You step into the guild hall shivering...
"Gray!! Make-up with your girlfriend before I freeze my ass off!"
You see Juvia crying and Gray 2 feet away from her...
You walk over and slap Gray..
"Juvia..what did he do?"
"He-he....he HIT JUVIA!"
He gets up...
"Listen, (y/n), she was with Lyon and..."
"G-got it ma'am..."
You turn around and a cough reaches your throat..
Snowflakes and a fine mist of ice exit your mouth...
"(Y/n) are you okay?"
Levy walks over...
"I'm fine..."
You walk over to Team Natsu..
"I got a mission! Let's go!"
Natsu yells...
You guys reach your destination..
A large cavern lay ahead of you...
Lucy says in amazement...
"PhoenixWing form!"
You transform and instantly the gem in your staff lights up...
"Let's go.."
You guys walk deeper and deeper into the cavern...
"Natsu...what's the mission..."
"A creature has been coming to our village terrorizing the villagers..
Please get rid of it..."
You guys walk deeper and deeper...
A dark mist over takes you...
"Guys? Where are you?"
You were familiar with this causes illusions..
You put on your mask letting you see through the mist...
You walk through the mist only to have two vines wrap around your waist...
More vines wrap around your body...
Moments later the fog clears...

Natsu POV

"Guys! Where's (y/n)?"
Juvia looks shocked..
"Natsu-san! Juvia thinks she knows where (y/n)-san is...."
I look up to see (y/n) in her civilian form tied up...

Your POV

"Natsu!! Natsu get away!!"
The creature leaps out of the darkness trying to attack Juvia...
Juvia's body turns to water and she is unwounded...
You sigh and a cough reaches past your throat again..
The mist and snowflakes appear again...
Suddenly the creature gives out a low chuckle...
" really think you got rid of me..."
You recognized the voice...
' friend'
"'s me... (y/n)...sad how you forgot your childhood friend..."
Everyone stands still...
"How do you know.."
Yukami transforms back into his civilian form...
His black shirt and denim jeans were covered by a navy blue cloak and his brown hair messy as always..
"You probably shouldn't have left me (y/n)...if you stayed i wouldn't have gone crazy..i wouldn't have slipped that potion into your drink...i wouldn't have tried to kill you!"
You realize how you got this cold...
He slipped you a frostbite potion..
You have mere hours now...
You rip the vines and fall to the ground in front of Yukami..
"It's against me and you Yukami...
Me and you.."
You hear shouting..
"Noo! You can't do this baka! Stop! Don't leave us!"
"Baka! Come back!"
'Arigato everyone...'
You block off your team mates..

Lucy POV

"No! (Y/n)! Don't. Do. This!"
I say through sobs...
You turn to see Natsu on the edge of tears..
"Juvia.....can you get through this?"
Natsu asks...
"Juvia can try!"
She turns into water but is unable to get through...
She starts sobbing..
"Juvia is sorry! *sob* Juvia failed (y/n)! Juvia failed my nakama!"
"No didn' tried"

Your POV

Yukami pulls out a dagger...
"Just you and me?"
"Just you and me Yukami.."
"Supreme Angel From!"
You transform into your Supreme form..
" really have improved on your magic..."
You growl and attack him sharply by sending him a beam of ones too...
"Haha....such a weak attempt.."
He simply side-steps and attacks you with a beam of foreign magic you've never seen...
He attacks you and you feel your power being drained..
"I want revenge..."
You transform your staff into a beatiful crystal sword...
"You will not get the revenge you crave..."
You attack him and he transforms his dager into a sword and blocks your hit...
You push harder letting your wings extend....
"I will not lose to you Yukami!"
You pull back and strike him quick with the tip of your balde leaving a gash on his leg...
He gasps in pain and turns to you...
He pushes his sword through your wing...
You fall to the ground looking at your blood-stained wing...
"You. Will. Pay."
You attack quickly and stab him through the torso but in this process he pulled back him sword and impaled you through your heart...
You gasp in pain as Yukami disappears into a black powder...
The force field that blocked you from your friends vanished and Natsu ran to you...
"(Y/n)! Please don't die!"
Everyone was sobbing especially Juvia...
You developed a strong bond with were like the sister she never had...
"I'm sorry everyone..."
"Juvia won't let you die (y/n)-san!"
She said through sobs...
You grab her hand...
"Arigato Juvia...."
You turn to everyone...
"Arigato everyone!"
You say through gasps...
Natsu yells...
"Don't die on me! I need to say this! (Y/n)...I LOVE YOU! So you can't die on me..not now!"
"I'm sorry Natsu....i love you too..."
"Please (y/n) please!"
"I love you..."
you say as you take your last breath and you black out...

Natsu POV

'No! No! She can't die....not now...'
She lay limp and pale on the floor as I grabbed her hand and held it...
I pick her up princess style and we all run for the guild...
We open the doors and instantly Mira comes over...
"Hi guys! How was your-*gasp* can't be...."
She dropped to the floor....
"No! She can't be dead!"
Everyone was sobbing now...
I carried her to the courtyard of the guild...
I layed her under her favorite tree...
"I'm sorry (y/n)...I failed you..."
A familiar hand held my shoulder...
I turn to see (y/n) in a beautiful dress and her wings spread behind her...
" didn't fail..."
I sobbed
"No..I should've tried to stop you..."
"No...this was supposed to can't change it now..."
She cups both my cheeks and kisses me passionately...
"I love you"
"I-i love you so much (y/n)..."
She turns and disappears into the light...
I turn to see her body gone...
Instead it is covered in light, her body perfectly fine, waving a final goodbye to me...
"Goodbye Natsu....Arigato!"
She turned and disappeared..
'Goodbye Natsu....Arigato!'
'Goodbye (y/n)...'

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