(Teacher) Natsu x (student) reader

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Your POV

It was the first day of school and I looked at the school in awe...
"Good morning class! I'm Mr. Dragneel!"
He looked at everyone but his eyes landed on you..
(It's still like Fairy tail everyone is still a mage)
Your wings surfaced and everyone looked at you in awe...
"Hey! I know her! She's (y/n) (l/n)!"
(Your homework assignments were missions)
You had a reputation for beating the one and only Erza "Titania" Scarlet, the principal of the school...
Mr. Dragneel looked at you contently...
'Why not read his thoughts for fun?'
You read his mind to find perverted thoughts of you...
You gasped silently but let it pass...
"Well class let's get started...I will be assigning partner missions today, one of you will have to partner with me due to an uneven numbered class..."
You heard a girl squeal...
'Lucy Heartfilia'
You looked at her to find her fixing her bra and sauntering over to the teacher...
"Hi Mr. Dragneel...."
She bent over, her boobs showing tits and all...
"Sit down slut! I don't want to see your flat ass!"
She looked at you angrily...
"What did you say? Do you know who I am?"
"I know who you are Heartfilia...the more important question is..
Do you know who I am?"
"Why should I ca-"
Your hair swept out of the way showing your face...
"(Y/n)?! Mistress I thought I would never see you again!"
A while ago, your family hired a maid...
She was Lucy Heartfilia..
You two became best friends...
She was 14 at the time and you were 13...
Now 4 years later she saw you again...
"Mistress I missed you!"
She embraced you...
"I missed you too Heartfilia..."
Mr. Dragneel stared at you two...
You read his mind again..
'My my....such a girl (y/n) is...'
You saw a perverted image of Mr. Dragneel kissing you...
'Why would he imagine such things?'
Lucy let you go and she went over to Juvia Lockser instead...
You saw her give Juvia a peck on the cheek..
'She's lesbian? Better than that pervert Gray Fullbuster that she used to like..'
Unfortunately, because of your reputation, no one wanted you as your partner..
They were afraid that you would get another S-class mission...
Last year you always got S-class missions...
Mr. Dragneel handed out the missions...
You looked at your mission, not surprised that you got the only S-class mission...
Everyone pushed out the door.. .
"Well Miss (L/n)..Let's get going.."
You grabbed your bag and shrunk it down to put on your magical charm bracelet...
"Let's go...."
You walked out the door with Mr. Dragneel following behind....
(You have the same forms as all the other one-shots)
'WaterDemon form'
You transformed and walked with Mr. Dragneel to the Tower of Fire containing the Fire Demon...
"Mr. Drag-"
He cut you off..
"Call me Natsu....I'm tired of you saying 'Mr. Dragneel' all the time.."
"Well Natsu..what's the plan..."
"Well it's a Fire Demon so I am not much of help but I will try..."
"You are?"
"I am a Fire Dragon Slayer (Y/n).."
"And you?"
"I am half Angel from my mother and half Demon from my father....but my magic is Transformation Magic as you saw earlier.."
You reached the Tower and pushed open the doors..
You guys walked in only to have the doors shut and the Fire Demon to appear in front of you...
"Eye of the Water Demon!"
A hurricane of a dark blue liquid surrounded you....
The gem on your staff turned a deep blue...
"Ocean's Wrath!"
The hurricane engulfed the demon...
He escaped to easily...
'It is a demon baka! Use a pure form!'
'Thank you Author-chan! I'll be borrowing your form...'
"WaterGem form!"
The black parts of your dress turned white and your staff turned silver with a pale blue gem....
"Heaven's Sea! Overcome!"
A wave of light colored water washed over the demon and a hissing sound filled the tower...
"Natsu! You can help!"
"Right! Fire Dragon Roar!"
A spew of fire hit the demon and it backed down a small bit...
'Why would a fire demon be afraid of fire?'
"It can't be..."
You told Natsu to stop...
"God's eyes! Reveal!"
A pale figure appeared in the heart of the demon...
"What is it (Y/n)?"
"It isn't a demon...It's an entrapment..someone is trapped inside.."
"No I got this.."
A cross appeared in front of you...
"Pure Heart's Rescue!"
The demon slowly diminished leaving the pale figure floating...
You flew up and held the figure...
It was a small girl...
She opened her eyes...
"Hello...I am Annabella.."
"My name is (Y/n)..are you alright?"
"Thank you for rescuing me..."
"No problem..."
Small transparent wings appeared...
"Are you an angel Annabella?"
"No but because of you I will finally rest in peace...Thank you..."
You smiled at her..
She dropped something into your hand and left...
A beautiful necklace with a small tear-shaped diamond was there...
You smiled and went to Natsu...
"Let's go back now?"
He smiled...
"(Y/n) you know what I realized..."
He grabbed you and kissed you lovingly...
"I haven't known you long but... I love you..."
"Weird....so do I"
He chuckled and kissed you again...
'Civilian form'
You transformed back and walked hand-in-hand with Natsu back to school...
When you reached the room..
The students stared at you...
"Miss Erza?"
"Hello (Y/n)...good to see you again..."
"What do you need?"
"I would like a battle..."
You thought for a bit...
"Challenge accepted.."
She requiped and you teleported everyone to the school arena for battles...
'AngelWing combat form'
You transformed and got into a fighting stance...
Erza tried to attack you with her sword...
You took your daggers and transformed them into a sword..
You blocked the hit...
Still standing in a calm stance you pushed back...
Erza was pushed back a bit...
"You're getting stronger (Y/n).."
You nodded and attacked her...
A gash appeared on her leg...
"And faster..."
She swung at you but you just countered the hit, leaving a gash on her arm...
You swung one last time, hitting a part of her armor causing her to requip back to her civilian clothes...
"Good job (Y/n)...I will recommend you to super-intendent Gildarts...."
"Yes ma'am.."
You transformed back and went to Natsu...
"Good job Miss (L/n).."
"Not using my actual name?"
"Not in school.."
"Okay Mr. Dragneel.."
You walked to class...
'This year migt not be so bad after all...'






*Might be making this a two-shot

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