(Mating season) Natsu x reader

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Part 2!
Read Part 1 first!

Your POV

You wake up only to find Natsu's, muscular but that is never the fucking point, arm wrapped around your waist...
"Wake up....I'll make breakfast.."
His eyes open half-way
"What type?"
He sets you on top of him...
"I'm so happy you were my mate...."
You snuggle into his chest your hair in a messy braid...
"I'm happy I was your mate too...."
"So breakfast?"
"Hmm...i won't get up..."
"Unless you serve me in your underwear.."
He begs...
"*sigh* Fine..."
He grabs your naked form....
"I'll tell you when breakfast is ready"
"Mm ok..."
You get up from the bed and grab some clothes on the way out...
You put on your bra and underwear, remembering your promise, you leave the clothes off...
You wrap the black apron around your waist and start up the stove...
Natsu walks into the kitchen...
You were bending over looking for the cooking oil...
He wraps his arms around your waist....
"I think I'll skip breakfast...."
"Then what do you want instead.."
"Uh-uh-uh...later...breakfast now..."
He sits in the dining room waiting for you to finish...
"All done!"
You bring in two plates of bacon,eggs,and pancakes...
"Mmm..looks good!"
You remove the apron revealing the black lace bra and panties..
"You were serious? It was just a joke!"
You guys eat breakfast in silence...
"Do you want to go to the guild today (y/n)?"
You wash the dishes and get dressed in a crop top, converse, and a gray, pleated skirt...
Natsu was in his normal attire...
'As usual..'
"Lets go!"
You guys fly out of the house racing eachother to the guild hall...
"Do you guys hear laughing?"
Gray says with his arm around Juvia's waist...
"Yeah! Juvia does hear laughing! Lucy-san do you hear laughing?"
"I do Juvia..the voices sound familiar..."
"Erza-san do you hear laughing?"
"I think its (y/n) and Natsu! *giggle*"
"Woah did Erza just giggle?!"
You say as you walk into the hall...
"Hey (y/n)! We were worried! So did you and Natsu..y'know..."
"Actually Lucy... (whispering) yeah.."
"Guys lets go on a mission!"
"Great idea Natsu!"
Natsu gives you a quick peck on the cheek..
"So? You okay with that?"
"Yup! *giggle*"
Gray cuts in..
"Well what are you waiting for? LETS GO!"
You grab a mission..
Mira looks at it..
"Woah S-class...you going with Team Natsu?"
"Alright..good luck!"
You guys catch the earliest train...which left in half an hour...
You guys pack your things and wait in the station..
"Hey you guys don't mind flying do you?"
Gray says...
"Nope not at all! I think Natsu prefers flying over trains..."
"Ok we'll take your luggages..."
The train pulls out and you guys fly over it...
In about half an hour you guys reach your destination...


"So this is the place?"
"Yeah I think.."
"Hey Juvia?"
"It's covered in ice...can you use your sierra form to get through it?"
"Juvia will try!"
She uses her sierra form but it isn't enough..
"C'mon guys...we have to try.."
You try to use your SunAngel form...
You strike with some sunlight...
"Not enough.."
'Hmm...what about that new form I got?'
You use your PhoenixWing form...
A long fiery red skirt surrounds the back of the light yellow dress that reaches to about your mid-thighs...
Pale orange boots and a white cloak with some red-striped white gloves finish it off...
Your daggers transform into a long silver staff adorned with a gem on top...
"(Y/n)..when did you learn that form.."
Gray asks..
"Hmm..a week ago.."
Natsu shoots a cannon of fire at the wall...
Juvia sprays hot water...
And you raise your staff, suddenly a bright spiral of gold and red shoots out of the gem hitting the wall....
The wall melts in a incredibly quick pace...
"C'mon lets go!"
Your wings changed from an ivory shade to an ombre from white to a pale gold...
You guys fly in...
"It's freezing in here!"
Lucy cried out..
You hand her your cloak..
She wraps it around her body
"It's really warm!"
You guys keep going noticing that Juvia was struggling to keep warm with her sierra form...
You think and form a blanket like piece of fabric from your staff...
"Here...its made from the cloth my cloak is made from..."
She wraps it around her shoulders...
"Thank you (y/n)-san!"
You guys reach a dark area of the cave...
You reach out to find a door...
"Erza you think you can break down this door?"
She kicks it down...
*audible gasps*
All around you there were torches lit with a weird green fire...
"Don't touch the fire!"
You remove your glove and reach out to the torch...it burns leaving a rash...
You heal it and put your glove back on..
"It's acid based..."
You guys keep walking with the light of your staff...the gem emitted a bright light...
'Hehe.... (y/n)..'
You drop your staff with a clang...
"(Y/n)...are you okay?"
"They're back..."
"(Y/n)! Who is he!"
Natsu shakes your shoulders...
"Nevermind...I'm fine.."
You grab your staff and keep walking...
'It's getting colder....weird..'
You guys walk into a strange room...
The doors slam behind you and the room is lit with large torches...
"Well..nice to see you again (y/n).."
"Kiniro! No.."
"(Y/n)...who is this bastard?"
Natsu growls...
"Oh and who is this dear sister?"
The entire team screams..
"Why...Kiniro...I thought Mother finally banished you.."
"Would you like to see Mother sister?"
He showed you a gravestone with your Mother's name on it...
"No no NO! You're wrong!"
He shoots a ray of fire at you...
It was acid based and it burned through your cloak....
Lucy summons Loke...
Juvia uses Water slicer
Erza requips
Natsu uses Fire Dragon roar
Gray uses Ice Make: Lance
And you use the last of your might to use Fire of the Phoenix...
Kiniro just blocked it all...
He knocks out Lucy, Loke, Juvia, and Gray...leaving you, Natsu, and Erza...
"Get out of the way!"
You get knocked out of the way by Erza who took the hit...leaving you and Natsu now...
"Kiniro! Stop please!"
He hits Natsu in the chest...
"Natsu! No!"
You shoot the strongest beam of power you know hitting Kiniro in the head...
You kneel by his side..
He groans softly..
You heal him a little bit...
"Stay here.."
You get up...
"It's just between you and me Kiniro..."
"Why don't we fight like we used to.."
He shrinks down to his normal size and removes the shield he has on...
"Just like before..."
You attack sharply...
But he cuts you in the shoulder with his dagger...
You instanly turn into your AngelWing combat form...
"You grab the two daggers at your side
"C'mon brother...give me all you got..."
He moves fast but you move quicker...
At the speed of light you attack him...leaving scars and gashes all over his body...
He moved to Natsu..
You moved quickly hitting him in the gut with your shoulder...
He is left unconscious on the wall...
You breath deeply feeling the dagger seep into your body...
"I win..."
"No Kiniro...I win.."
You say a spell banishing him back into his temple of darkness..
"No! Get away! It's not over!"
*loud roar*
Your father, a demon, awoke..his dark eyes piercing into your soul..
"You will pay for betraying me (y/n)!"
By then all of you were awake...
You grab the dagger and pull it out..
You transform into another form that was much like your AngelWing form but your hair was streaked white and the dress was longer and streaked with silver...
Instead of daggers a beautiful, crystal staff appeared..
But your magic prohibited you from using this form for too long..
And you transformed back into your AngelWing form...
"Oh...does my dear daughter not have the magical strength to hold such a form?"
"Stop it Father!"
You shoot daggers at him but he keeps blocking and blocking...
Everyone else is attacking but doing no damage..
'I have to try!'
Your wings spread out behind you and a knee-length, pure white dress appears with mid-calf, heeled boots and long white gloves to adorn your form...
Your hair falls to about the lengtg of your mid-thigh with a beatiful silver tiara to hold back your hair....
A beautiful diamond staff appears next to you..
"Wow..I really am impressed dear daughter...
You summon a bright wave of light that washes over your demon father..
He stumbles a bit but fights back...
He summons vines that wraps around your waist but you keep your stand...
"Pure light!"
A spiral of light aims at your father and he fights back with Spirit's wrath...
You fight back with all you can...
We finally falls but not leaving you untouched..
A blade plunges into your back...
You see another blade aiming at Natsu's torso...
You push Natsu out of the way..
The blade plunges into your side..
You black out...
"(Y/n)! Wake up please!"
You wake up in the guild infirmary...
Mira walks in...
"Do you want to see the others now that you're awake?"
"Yes please!"
You stand up....
A bandage covered your chest and side....
You walk out...
You were tackled by Frosch, Happy, and Lily...Carla just stood to the side happy that you were back...
"Fro! Happy! Pantherlily!"
Happy and Lily were crying..
"We thought you were gonna die!"
"Fro is happy you're back (y/n)! Fro thought Fro would never see you again!"
You see Carla next to you...
You give her a hug..
"Wendy was really worried! We're glad you're back..."
A familiar pair of arms wrap around your torso...
"Baka! Never do that again!"
"I won't.."
You greeted everyone happy that you could see them again...

Extended part

You and Natsu have been dating for two years now...
"(Y/n)! C'mon let's get to the guild hall!"
You guys get to the guild hall...
"Happy birthday Happy!"
"Yay! (Y/n)!"
"What did we miss?"
"I was just about to open my presents!"
Happy opens a pale blue box..
Inside was a cute blue shirt
Present after present there was only one left..
Happy opened it...
Inside lay a black velvet box..
Happy hands it to Natsu..
"(Y/n)...Will you marry me?"
He slips the ring onto your finger and you jump into his arms...
"I love you...."
"I love you too Natsu!"








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