Natsu x reader

744 6 0


Your POV

"Need. Coffee."
"Hi Reader-chan!"
"Hi Author-chan..."
"Here's your coffee!"
"Thank you Author-chan"
Kyle walks in...
"Hey! Author-chan! Reader-chan!"
He walks over and gives Author-chan a peck on her nose..
"Eep! Kyle!"
He wraps his arm around her waist..
You push them out of your apartment...
You walk to the guild with Author-chan and Kyle..
"Eep! KYLE!!"
You see Kyle kiss Author-chan...
Kyle just stands there...
You guys finally reach the guild...
"Oop! Reader-chan! I forgot your wings!"


"All done!"
Author-chan finishes your wings...
"There we go!"
"Hey....Author-chan! Kyle! Let's go on a mission.."
"But that doesn't make sense! I write the story..."
"Ok so?"
Mira walks over..
"Hi Author-chan! Kyle!"
"Good morning Mira-chan!"
You push between them
"Oi! Don't forget me!"
Natsu ran up to you..
"Sure come over Natsu-san!"
"Thank you Author-san!"
(Author-chan has the same magic as Reader-chan! And Kyle uses daggers!)
"Cool! Let's go"
Author-chan's wings spread out..
(Look the same as yours but almost transparent at the tips..)
"Race you there reader-chan!"
"I'll win Author-chan!"
" me Claire..."
"Orie dokie! Let's go!"
You guys reach the dungeon...
"C'mon (y/n)! Let's go!"
You transform
"Supreme Angel Form!"
And so does Author-chan...
"Water Gem form!"
(Like the PhoenixWing form but the outfit is blue and white, the gem on the staff is a deep blue, and the wings are an ombre of white to an almost transparent pale blue)
"Well? Let's go Reader-chan!"
You put on some earbuds..
"Hey! Not time to listen to music!"
You guys walk into the dungeon...
"Eep! Kyle! Reader-chan! Nat-mmph!"
Author-chan disappeared..
"Kyle...keep a look-out at the entrance ok?"
You and Natsu walked in looking for Author-chan...
You hear a muffled sound...
You run over to the sound to find an angry Author and an unconscious guard...
You run over to Claire..
"Are you ok?"
She looks down at the guard..
"Just don't mess with an angry Author.."
A creature appears out of nowhere...
"Water Arrow: Tsunami!"
A huge wave of water arrows hit the creature causing a hissing sound..
"Fire demon!"
A spiral of dark fire hits it but does no damage...
"Hey use your new form!"
"What new form?"
"Just use it!"
"WaterDemon form!"
"Eep! Control your demon part!"
"I'll t-try!"
'Shit! Keep it together!'
(Like your Supreme Angel Form but black with hints of blue...)
"Watery Hell!"
A dark fire-like substance surrounds everyone...
"Unison raid!"
You nod..
"Water Jet!/Hell's Rain!"
A combination of hot water and and the dark, fiery substance surround the creature and drown it...
*growls and hisses*
A vine wrapped around Claire's ankle
"Natsu! Get Kyle!"
"Got it!"
"Reader-chan! Eep! (Y/n)!"
You flew up and cut the vine...
Kyle caught Claire before she hit the ground...
" *sigh* You're alright..."
"Of course I'm alright baka!"
Natsu walks over to you...
"Hey (y/n)...I've been meaning to tell you that..."
You pull him close...
"I love you too"
He seemed a bit shocked..but hugged back...
"Ow! Oweeee!"
Claire yelled out...
"Hey Claire what's wrong?"
I look at her ankle to see a rash...
I chuckled...
"Poison ivy'll be fine"
I wrapped her ankle in some cloth and Kyle carried her back to the guild...
"Claire. Wings."
"Oh right.."
She retracted her wings and fell asleep...
I grabbed Natsu's hand...
"Hm...lunch then..."
"Yeah...why not"
"Eep! Reader-chan!"
You turned to see Kyle kissing Claire...
"Oi! Stop harassing your girlfriend! Get a room if you want!"
Kyle was flushed and so was Claire..
Claire and Kyle checked into the same inn as you and Natsu...
You look at Natsu..
"I was thinking about how sexy you are..."
"Shut up.."
You lay on top of him...
"I just want to sleep Natsu...please?"
"Yeah...we'll have fun tomorrow but for now sleep..."
And *thud*
"Isn't Author-san and Kyle next door..."
You knock on the wall loudly..
"Keep it down!"
You heard an "Eep!"
Obviously from Author-chan
And a groan..
"Seriously? Did you just freaking urgh..."
"Eep! Sorry (y/n)-san!"
You heard through the wall...
You just chuckled and fell asleep...

The next morning...

"So and Kyle huh?"
"Eep! Stop it (y/n)-san!"
She was flushed red..
Natsu went over to Kyle..
"Your night must've been eventful..."
"Shut up man..."
Kyle was also red...
You stared at them and chuckled also thinking about this morning...
You and Natsu had fun like you promised...
"L-let's go home"
Kyle goes to Claire and wraps his arm around her waist..
You were annoyed now..
"Why do you always say, Eep!"
"It's a habit of mine...Eep! Kyle stop!"
He buried his face into her neck..
"Stop it Kyle!"
You took Kyle off of Claire..
"Sit with Natsu.... Me and Claire need to talk..."
"Yeah fine..."
You pulled Claire over to a corner of the train..
"What's wrong (y/n)-san?"
"I need to get you and Kyle on a date.."
"Eep! What?"
"C'mon...when we get off the train I'm taking you shopping.."

With Natsu

"I'm setting up a date for you and Claire.."
"When we get off we're going to find a gift for her.."

Back with you

The train stopped and I grabbed Claire's hand...
"Let's go!"
"Eep! SpeedAngel Form!"
"Right...QuickFlight form!"
We transformed into our fastest forms which only changed our wings and made them more aerodynamic...
I pulled her into a store and made her try on dresses
"Eep! Reader-chan!"
I found a perfect dress for her..
A beautiful black dress that reached mid-thigh...
It was strapless and showed just enough cleavage..
"You look goddamn sexy Claire"
"Then we'll buy it..."
"Eep! What?"
I took out some black heels
"Thank you (y/n)-san"
We payed for the clothes and I helped dress her....
"Lets go!"
I pulled her out the door to find Kyle there with some roses...
"Shall we go now Claire?"
"Why not.."
I went to Natsu...
"We did it.."
" can we have our fun?"
I pulled him into the house and layed on top of him...
"Yeah..let's have some fun..."






Natsu x reader (one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now