Emotions of Night 4

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Mark ran out of the room with me following close behind Mark. We run out of the room but unfortunately I triped on my own shoes and fell but right away got back up and closed the room door. Mark ran ahead to the office and motions me to hurry. I hurry up and follow him to the office but careful not to trip over my shoes again.*

Mark: Come on... COME ON.

Jack: I'm coming wait up

(I catch up to mark and see the monitor that he is looking at and see the animatronics getting closer to us. Shit. How are we going to survive?)

Jack: we're dead,  we're sooooooooooo dead meat. Oh my God how are we going to survive in a psycho game with a psycho killer hacking into this game,  omg

Mark: and it's only 2 (then mark whispers)  get in the closet

(I go to the closet and hold it open for mark)

Mark: Don't wait for me. Get in and lock it

Jack: what are you doing?

(This is suicide if he thinks he can fight alone against the animatronics. I saw him look at the ground and back at my soul)

Mark: it doesn't matter what I do as long as your safe. So get in there and lock it

Jack: (my voice breaks down and cracks)  but M-mark....

((I looks at mark and saw lust in his eyes and he walks over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders and talks with his face about to tear up,  wait is he crying??))

Mark: no tears

(Wait,  what does that mean. I didn't have time to think by Mark pushing me into the closet and closing it. I try but struggle trying to open the door)

Jack: MARK!!!  (I still struggle to open the door) Mark!!  This is suicidal, please (then my voice starts breaking and I slowly give up trying to open the door and I started losing feelings in my legs and fell to the ground) please m-mark..... (I did this to us. I asked about inviting the others and got 1 of them killed and mark is going suicidal) stupid jack, why....

Mark: I'm sorry... I need to make sure your safe. Even if.. (Then mark pauses,  what was he thinking about) even... If... I have to die. Jack I...

(Thats when I lost it. It should be me out there risking my life. NOT MARK. I asked and brought the others here. NOT MARK. all mark did was support me. It's all my fault for getting him involved)

Jack: m-mark no.. Please don't... Please. Don't (I won't be able to say it,  my fucking nightmares are coming true. It's now or never,  hopefully my voice isn't broken enough) dont... Leave... Me (but my voice brakes saying this last line) I love you

(I hope mark hears it.)

Mark: jack I (then I hear a not coming closer) I need to go

(Then I heard Marks foot steps fade away. Not hearing him started to kill me. I was locked up in a closet in a deathly game by a hacker that's wants me dead and my crush risking his life for me. This isn't how this supposed to happen. But hasn't this whole experience today been what nobody,  except Yami, been expecting? I try to slow down my sobs by covering my mouth with my hand then I hear marks faint sceam saying)


(Then I ball up and cry waterfalls of tears. After I clam myself again I get up and put my ear on the door to hear for any other things. Then I hear something coming my way. I grab a broom and hide in coats getting ready to hit whoever,  exempt mark, is coming towards me)

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