It was ridiculous that I was pleading with Seb to buy me a dress. I usually didn't care much about fashion, and I have always been more on the conservative side in terms of dressing. However, I fell in love with this dress since the minute I saw it in the dressing room, and then when I saw Seb's initial reaction to it I fell even more in love with it.

Seb remained quite for a while, and I turned to look at Ebony who simply gave me a sympathetic smile.

"You promise to wear your hair down?" Seb asked, when he finally spoke.

I didn't trust myself to speak, so I nodded at him.

"And you aren't planning on cutting your hair before tomorrow right?" He asked, his face still serious.

"No definitely not." I replied, and waited patiently for him to answer.

"Fine then. You may get the dress." He said as he rose to his feet.

Overcome with joy, I rushed towards him and threw my arms around him. I briefly felt his hands close on my back before I pulled back. I was shocked at what I had just done but I didn't want it to show on my face.

"Thanks Seb! Consider allowing me to buy this dress your birthday present to me." I said and quickly walked back into the dressing room.

Once I locked the door behind me, I shook my self for being so stupid. Why did I have to go and hug Sebastian! I still felt the warmth of his hands behind me. The musky smell of his cologne lingered in my nose. I shook my head and stepped out of the dress. I would have to control my emotions a little better around him.

I got dressed in my long blouse, leggings and boots and then I carefully put the dress back up on the hanger and handed it to Ebony once I stepped out.

I walked out of the dressing area and spotted Seb talking to three different women. I sighed and slowly walked over towards him.

"I'm just waiting for someone." He was telling them as I approached them.

I gently tapped Seb on the shoulder.

He turned to me and stepped away from the women.

"Do you need anything else in here? I asked them to pack up the dress, and the shoes." He told me.

I looked around the store one more time and shook my head. "No, I don't need anything else from here. But I would like to stop at the store next door."

Seb nodded at me. "Why don't you go ahead and head over there? I'll pay and join you." He said and started towards the cash register.

As soon as I walked in the other store I was hit by loud music which was a signature for this store brand. I started in the jeans section and picked up a few pairs. Just as I was about to start looking at shirts Seb came into the store. He immediately strolled towards me.

"The dress and shoes will be delivered to the house by this evening." He said. Then to my surprise he started picking up shirts and handing them to me.

"Try those on." He told me with an expectant look. I looked down at the shirts he handed me and couldn't help but giggle. He had handed me two turtle neck shirts and five button up flannel shirts.

"Seb, I'm not going to try these on." I told him, putting the some of shirts back in their places.

"Why not?" He asked as he continued walking through the store.

"Because I am not a nun!" I said and let out an exasperated sigh. "I'll be eighteen tomorrow. I think I have learned how to dress myself."

"Those shirts are perfectly fine." He argued back.

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