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YEAR: 2611




I don't know where to start. I don't know where to end either, the losses were just to great.

How can I look those families in the eye that lost people during the campaign. The guilt is killing me I can't even look at my own son he is just 5 years old. He needs his father and I cant even bring myself to fucking look at him. I sent his mother to her death knowing full well of the dangers that could be there. I took his mother away from him.

We lost nearly 400,000 human souls during the whole six month long campaign. The shame I bring upon myself and my family is to powerful. Why must I be such a coward!? I was not like this when we first started this journey. I guess it is because I am a man of science not a man of war.

That bravado that anyone sees during the battle was just a mask I forced on myself. Internally I was pissing myself thinking I would die like my wife alone and scared. My son would be certainty be among the casualties if I didn't send the colony ships away. If it wasn't for that one good choice the casualties would've been in the millions.

President Quill is asking for a status update, I have been giving him bullshit excuses the entire time. I don't see anymore point to establish the fact that we lost a lot and the enemy there is too great for us to fight alone. He's the closest thing I have to a best friend, besides Striker. He has been there for me as much as he can be, he is basically running this cursed ship.

My son if you are reading this at anytime in the future know that I tried my hardest to survive for you and everyone else. I want you to know that your mother loved you so much and that I don't want you to remember me or her in any negative regard. The guilt is killing me and I fear that I will be buried by it. I am sorry for everything son.

I'm sorry for taking your mother away. I'm sorry for not being strong enough. I'm sorry for being weak, cowardly, and scared. I'm sorry son.



YEAR: 2613




We have been experiencing some major malfunctions during basic space flight. It may be due to the fact that jumping out of FTL space is a pain in the ass. We have to make sure each ship has the precise coordinates to jump to. That means calculating every fine little detail, the A.I. and pilots have gotten it down nearly to an art. Sometimes however it ends up not being so good.

Sometimes our A.I. and pilots make mistakes and it ends them up near a sun just barely grazing the shielding. We have not lost a ship yet thank god but that doesn't mean it wont happen. Which is why I have set up testing for better shielding, working on basic prototypes show good results. We should be in alpha testing stages within a good few years.

A.I. testing has also gone well, we have now taken some of our brightest minds and basically used them as templates. Basically meaning this is for future A.I. personalities to be based off of. So when I die I will in some shape or form be living on as an A.I. however it won't be me obviously. However I do not intend on keeling over any time soon, I have a son and an entire fleet to lead.

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