Rain And Thunder

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Caden was woken up by rain. It splashed heavily against the windows, pounding relentlessly onto the roof, begging the inhabitants to let it in. Like a ghost the coldness would creep in and wrap it's clammy tentacles around everything, stealing the warmth and freezing the living.

Naturally Caden couldn't remember anything from the night he had scratched on Michael's door, after all he had only been a few months old, barely one year. And afterwards he had lived another four years as a cougar cub without any hint that he was a human, too. So, no, he didn't remember that stormy night.

However, it had been the subject of many nightmares in the past. Him stumbling through the forest while thunder swallowed every sound, or other times, being held captive by some unknown force while rain fell endlessly and eventually drowned him and - if it was an especially bad dream - Michael, too.

He knew that his mother was dead, killed during that storm. It was a miracle how he had made it to Michael's cabin without one of the torrents drowning him or him freezing to death in the cold. Michael had told him that he had became ill the next day when the storm had settled and it hadn't been sure if he survived the fever because he had been only a little cub without any protection. In the end, he had made it somehow but this unsettling feeling in his stomach whenever there was a storm, stayed stubbornly.

Therefore he now stared out of the window and concentrated on Ajax' heavy warmth behind him. The night was pitch black because the moon was hidden behind dark clouds but he could still imagine how the wind whipped the bushes and trees back and forth and how everything glistened wetly like somebody had spilled their drink.

Shivering he drew the duvet tighter around him and pressed back against Ajax who sighed in his sleep and tightened his hold around Caden's waist. With the lion protectively next to him the storm wasn't as daunting as before.

"Why are you awake?" Ajax' breath ghosted over his neck and made him shiver for an entirely different reason. His voice was rough from sleep and the words slightly slurred as if he wasn't completely awake yet but still wanted to know immediately what bothered Caden.

"The storm," he answered and although he knew that this explained next to nothing he didn't elaborate. Ajax hummed in thought and said nothing.

"My mother died during a storm."

"I'm sorry."

"I didn't get the chance to build up memories with her. I don't remember a single thing," Caden whispered into the darkness.

Ajax simply nuzzled his neck and Caden was thankful for it. It showed him that the man cared and wanted him to feel good. He was sure that he wouldn't be able to stand any hollow phrases right now, even when they came from Ajax. He also didn't want to answer questions which would make him feel like this was an interrogation.

"I wonder what she was like."

They lay in silence for a long time, taking solace in each other's presence and soaking up the warmth. It was comfortable, not moving, not speaking, just breathing.

"My parents, they aren't my biological parents," Ajax whispered so quietly Caden could hardly hear him over the storm. "They took me in when my mom died. I guess I'm lucky because I remember everything about her."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up," Caden murmured and the lion began rubbing small circles on his hip.

That confession meant that somehow they had something in common - at least more than being fluffy -, having both experienced the loss of the one person who was meant to love them forever but had disappeared way too early. And they both had found some sort of substitute, somebody who couldn't take over that place but somebody who could give them what they needed, making sure that they grew up safe and sheltered and, first and foremost, loved.

"Don't be," he soothed him and shifted into a more comfortable position. "I'm surprised you didn't notice yet."

"You mean because you and Robin look nothing alike?"

"For example."

"I noticed it but didn't think about it," Caden conceded thoughtfully. The differences between the two males finally made sense.

"There were complications during Robin's birth and my mother, Jade, can't give birth to any more cubs. They didn't hesitate to adopt me and treat me like their own flesh and blood." Ajax paused and Caden held his breath, sensing that there was coming something important. "Sometimes I feel so guilty when I think about Jade like she's my real mother. But so much time has passed and it feels like it. Then I doubt if I still love my mom, my biological mother."

"I understand," Caden breathed out and twisted in the lion's arms so he was facing him and could make out a tiny glint of those green eyes in the dark. "You moved on but that doesn't mean you don't love her anymore. It means that the wounds have healed."

"I don't want them to heal when it means forgetting her bit by bit."

"You don't forget her, you let her go along with the pain," Caden reasoned softly and Ajax kissed his nose.

"You're awfully precocious for a kitten," he teased affectionately and Caden hissed warningly.

"This kitten has claws, you know?"

"Oh, now we're kinky? I like that."

Caden knew that Ajax was grinning smugly although he couldn't see it, and swatted blindly at his chest. Thankfully the darkness was hiding his blush.

Ajax only chuckled amused and held him tighter until the rain nearly lulled them back to sleep and they both were drowsy, their movements sluggish.

"Tomorrow's gonna be okay, won' it?" Caden mumbled and forced his eyelids open so he could look at Ajax.

"Of course," the man answered and yawned, his white teeth for a moment visible in the darkness.

"You'll be with me all the time?" Caden questioned further.

"Mhm," Ajax hummed and ruffled Caden's hair. "Go to sleep."

"Good night," Caden whispered and moaned when Ajax' lips landed on his own. The kiss was slow and warmth coiled in his stomach while his hands were pressed flat against Ajax' chest to feel his heartbeat. It was calm and steady and after a last nip they finally settled down, their bodies touching from head to toe, breath mingling and heartbeat in sync.

The storm raged on outside but it didn't disturb their sleep. And in the end it calmed, too, leaving broken branches and scattered leaves everywhere however it didn't keep the animals from cautiously poking their heads out of their hiding places to test the waters. Deeming it safe, they went about their everyday life, searching for food and producing all those noises which united and gave the woods a voice. A voice neither a storm nor the humans could quieten for long.

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